How old really is the Ramayana?

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Dwaparyug yug 864000 years + 5000 kaliyug years + 1/2 of treta yug = 1.6 million years
So pretty accurate.


Finally someone is understanding Hindu...and not just mocking and making fake videos.


I am feeling proud that he told Ramayan history of human kind not only Indians .


Lanka is mentioned here is the island of Sri Lanka. It is still a paradise.


Your work on Hindu text and history is truly amazing.


I have always loved the Ramayana stories and learn from their symbolism Zealand


19 Million Years old, the Ramayana happened in the 24th Maha Yuga or Chathur Yuga's Tretha Yuga and we are living in 28th Maha Yuga's Kali Yuga.

after ruling Ayodhya for 11, 000 years Rama went to Swarna Lanka to meet Vibhishana to say goodbye and after Rama leaving the Swarna Lanka Vibhishana asked Rama what if some humans comes to Lanka with the help of this bridge 🌉 (Nala Sethu, Nala is the engineer in Vanaras and he also engineer building this bridge)?

So, Rama said to Vibhishana treat them as u treat me

Vibhishana asked what if humans came to war with me, in that position I can't stand to your word and I have to kill them all

So, Rama Standing on Pushpaka Vimana he left three arrow 🏹 with his bow and the 100 Yojana (1300kms) bridge 🌉 into 1 Yojana (13kms) peices and sink in to the sea, after that Swarna Lanka again submerged into the sea 🌊 hidden.

Till this day Vibhishana is still alive cause he is a immortal being and he is ruling Swarna Lanka till to this day.

Many think Sri Lanka is the Ravana Lanka but it is not true, the bridge between Sri Lanka and Rameshwaram created by humans using volcanic rocks that's why they float and it is scientifically proved that it was built back 7, 000 years ago

But Ramayana happened 19 million years ago, In other many purana mentioned about exact location of Swarna Lanka as Kubera Lanka cause Kubera ruled before Ravana did,

The Swarna Lanka was built by Lord Vishwakarma and it was ordered to built by Lord Indra, Indra ordered to Vishwakarma built a city under the ocean, Indra stayed there ruled for sometime and it was abandoned for some time and then three rakshsaas asked a boon to have this city under there hand, so these three rakshsaas ruled for sometime and it got abandoned again then Kubera took over this land under the ocean🌊.

There are 350 Ramayana's in the world with different authors as poets, story writers and devotees, but original remain the same

The original Ramayana was written Valmiki in the Ramayana period itself and then it was copies made in the time to time pases by throughout this 19 million years, and the original Ramayana remains the same

The second Ramayana is written by Hanuman himself on the rocks and mountains with his use of pinky finger nails, but hanuma throwed away all his scripture written on rocks and mountains to ocean for the sake Valmiki Ramayana

Still Valmiki promised Hanuma that he will born again to take out Hanumadh Ramayana from ocean and spread it to the world.


Angkor Wat Hindu temple in Cambodia has 4 tusked elephants on its walls and its very common such statues on Indian Hindu temples especially in South India where I lived and traveled to many ancient temples


Jai Shree Sita Ram Ji 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🚩🚩🚩
Jai Bajrang Bali Ji 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🚩🚩🚩


That time we are very advanced but we live with nature without damaging it☺☺


I’m American and think that history is not what they tell us. The history of modern man DID NOT stand up and walk out of Africa, although Neanderthal probably did, modern man came out of South and West Asia! Not only does recorded Indian history say so, so does the ancient Sumerian clay tablets.
Both speak of flying crafts, exceptional cities and a war in the heavens many tens of thousands of years ago.
We may never know for sure but we do know that modern man isn’t the first culture in human history to use technology and won’t be the last. The catastrophe cycle is cyclical and at some point, we’ll start over all over again.


Ramayan was series of events towards end of tretayug, then came dwaprayug (800k years) + approx 5000 years of Kaliyug. So Ramayan was around 1000k or 1M atleast old


As per ancient text the recent ramayan happened exactly 18.2 million years ago


One outsider explores Indian culture and there are few who ask questions without researching. Wow
Thankyou sir👏👏


According to our text ramayan happened about a million years ago in tretayug


जय श्री राम जय श्री कृष्ण जय श्री गणेश


India is so mysterious still there more to go.


Ramayan is not a mythology but our history.
Jai Shree Ram 🕉
Jai Hind 🇮🇳


We should not compare HINDU religion with any other religions. Hinduism is beyond anything which humans can think.


Pata nahi kis roop mein akar Narayan se mil jaunga ❤❤❤❤
