Japan is building massive Kirov-like battlecruisers?

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Japan's MoD just proposed a new class of warships. If they get built, they'll be one of the biggest warships around. This video goes in depth of it all and explains ships' role and what they might look like.

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The Japanese government has announced that it will build the world's largest Aegis destroyer. With a displacement of 20, 000 tons and a length of 210 meters and a width of 40 meters, it will be the largest ship in the Maritime Self-Defense Force. It is said that two ships will be built, Yamato and Musashi of Reiwa.


whoa there fella, who said anything about carriers? they're flat top fixed wing levitating machine destroyers


There’s a secret compartment for the mechas and a living compartment for the HS girls piloting them. Season one airs in the winter.


Japanese ship hull and designs just looks so much cooler than other navies since time of WW2.


This is the right decision. If they had made the aegis system a standalone on an underarmed ship. It would have required them to divert a larger portion of their forces to protect it. This way they should have a much better chance in combat and will require less escort.


Japan showed the world how to use aircraft carriers as a strike force. The USA at the time thought that carriers would only be used as air cover for the battleships. It looks like the Japanese are innovating again. I bet they are building ships that are Missile trucks and drone carriers. Watch and learn.


Damn imagine this ship is now named Yamato, but instead of being denied of its glory by aircraft, it is now a nightmare to them XD


"Guess who's back, back again" - The Japanese Navy


This needs to get funded ASAP, a great concept.


I have no idea what you’re talking about… the Japanese Self-Defense forces are simply building a policing ship. Those missile tubes are to deliver supplies during search and rescue operations.


That's not a battlecruiser, it's a Self Defense Destroyer.


2 large ships? Getting Yamato and Musashi vibes from this


It's called the Yamato Class Missile Defense Cruiser. Flight I ships in the class are the Yamato (大和) and the Fuso (扶桑). Flight II ships are the Mizuho (瑞穂) and the Akitsu (秋津). All named after... well... Japan!
The radar is a version of the SPY-6 with a massive amidships mounted 256 RMA array which can be tilted to point port or starboard with about 30 times the radiated power of the current SPY-1 radars. Two 9 RMA SPY-6(v)2 rotating arrays (aka Enterprise Air Surveillance Radars) sit atop the forward and aft superstructures. These are typically pointed to cover the opposite 240 degree sectors. In an emergency either of these can be rotated to provide 360 degree coverage.
Weapon systems are vaguely about 256 Mk41 VLS tubes or a combination of 128 Mk41 cells with about 24 large (1.5m) diameter launch tubes for a mid-course interceptor which may be the American NGI or an entirely new Japanese missile with a range of around 5000km .


Many comments are missing the point of having BMD. When the enemy launches, the BMD ships will fire a salvo to stop the incoming threat. In a ww3 scenario the ships will be single use items. And in anything less than ww3, they are a fleet-in-being, raising the threshold of any aggression from outside.


Honestly the US needs to support these efforts of Japan as much as possible.


Whoever is currently Japan's major source of imported oil -- I'd advise not cutting them off...


It will be far better than any Soviet Cruiser having better Tech, Weapons and building practices !!


I am Japanese, I think such a battlecruiser would be very useful for Japan, which is surrounded by the sea on all sides compared to the immovable Aegis Ashore.
However, partly because the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is facing a serious shortage of personnel, there are some opinions in Japan that "Aegis Ashore was better."


I’ve been wondering when we’d just start strapping as many missiles as possible to an armored hull. Glad to see the geniuses finally put two and two together


In fairness, big ships make more sense for Japan. They don't need to project power (so aircraft carriers are not strictly necessary), and their coast line is way more concentrated than Russia (so less need to cruise long distances to respond to threats).

Having two big old chunks of metal prowling around close to home may not be efficient, but they do need to be dealt with. Any invader needs to to seriously consider them... the fleet in principle theory.

With that said; why not Gundam instead? :(
