Nvidia Omniverse vs Facebook Metaverse (Watch the reveals)

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Nvidia's Jensen Huang and Meta's Mark Zuckerberg recently revealed their visions for what the Metaverse will look like in the future. Watch both presentations and see how they compare.

#omniverse #metaverse
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Meta is building Ready Player One, Nvidia is building The Matrix .


I think Nvidia sort of got the right idea. If VR is to succeed it needs to be more like what the world wide web is now. Content creators need to have a way to easily add their own virtual content to a space that is easily accessible by anyone.

Basically have a VR client that works like an advanced virtual browser and a bunch of development standards and APIs that allow developers easily add content to it.

Of course Nvidia is going to try to make it all proprietary to rake in as much money as possible.

I feel this is going to be a repeat of the browser wars where at first every big company will try to monopolize VR and just do their own thing, until we end up with twenty different virtual worlds that barely interact and people are divided all over them. Then someone finally realizes that virtual space is owned by all of humanity and will only properly work as a medium if it's properly standardized and the technology is not owned by a handful of companies.

If I had to choose a company though I'd put my money on Nvidia, this is not that different from game development and they've got experience getting developers on board with their technology.


I don't think I'd want to be a part of a metaverse owned by a particular organization, no matter how they put it. That will be putting so much data and power into the hands of a single entity. We'd be literally handing over data that we wouldn't want anyone else having.

The metaverse should be open source, built by the people and for the people. That is a metaverse I'd want to be a part of.

Side note - can we come together to stop calling it the metaverse? Maybe Nexus... just saying


Nvidia's Omiverse is only the plumbing/infrastructure that enables Facebook, and the millions of other developers to design their unique version for the Metaverse. Nvidia offers Servers, display, AI scene generation, software infrastructure, avatars, AI animation, audio, translation and visual enhancements, and real technology to deliver immersive experiences. Nvidia have been running their own "3D collaborative space" with digital twins for companies like BMW, Lockheed Martin, Bentley Systems since 2018.


Is it just me is this really just 2nd Life 2.0? The Facebook perspective seems lame, however I can actually see the use of the basic Nvidia functions on digital twins


Just remember how valuable the little plant was in Walle, this world is beautiful don’t lose sight of that getting lost in something fake!


The BIG problem with this is one with any technology that tries too hard:
If it substitutes real life, it doesn't work.
It has to add to real life to be a success, not substitute it.

Apparently depression and anxiety cases skyrocketing since the dawn of social media haven't taught Zuck anything.
All this is sounding more and more like an isolationist dystopia by the minute.


The problem I have with Zuck's idea is that, in his metaverse, we're all using a facebook login to do anything, even if we're just puttering around in our "homespace". Nvidia's omniverse idea feels like what's gonna happen if people keep investing in NFTs.


Omniverse seems likes it's aimed at professionals and people who are looking to be productive, Metaverse seems like it intends to distract people even though they claim to want to make working easier.


The biggest hurdle is eye health, wearing a vr headset for long periods of time can't be comfortable. I wonder how they can resolve this?


The truth is we already exist in 2D virtual universes already, with companies building ecosystem solutions. Meta, Microsoft and now Nvidia are providing infrastructure for these businesses to pivot into 3D virtual universe by providing the build tools. This is so that once these technologies (VR, AR and MR) become mass accepted by the public, they would already have an existing solution in place.


I’m loving Nvida’s approach though


Fun fact, this is not a video of the Nvidia CEO, it is a 3D model and that is insanely realistic.


Metaverse looks infantile compared to Omniverse. While both of these basically look like Second Life with a "work feature" addon, Nvidia is definitely going in the more interesting, open and realistic direction.


This premise is pretty scary, Our future is going to be sitting in a chair with a headset on while AI runs the world. Tin foil hat may actually be a good idea lol


I hope omniverse has grandpa max, gwen and kevin with enough screen timing


Great! Even in meta verse, we’ll have meetings that don’t need to be meetings.


Zuckerberg looks virtual while being real, Huang looks real while being virtual 🤔


I wasn't excited about the metaverse until I watched Nvidia's presentation, many more use cases there. Combined with Blockchain tech like RNDR the future is looking crazy.

Facebook is like a tumultuous ex, no matter how promising a new relationship looks with them (which it doesn't in this case) there is to much damage done in the relationship to ever make it work.


Control your own consciousness. Heed the warnings. They're all around.


I'm still waiting to be impressed by this. It's just PlayStation home lol
