Attempting DBD's Most Impossible Challenge! | Solo Hardcore Ep. 1

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Welcome to the Solo Hardcore Survivor Challenge Episode 1!
Rules - If a Character dies… they die PERMANENTLY and can no longer be played, if I run out of Characters the Challenge is OVER, I am allowed to switch Characters whenever I want BUT all points earned on a Character MUST be spent on that Character, if a Character is lost due to uncontrollable circumstances then the game is Nullified, for example: the Killer is Hacking, teammates are teaming with the Killer to get me Killed, the Killer is Lag Switching (a.k.a Teleporting) to the point where it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to do anything against. I am allowed to search Chests for an item and as long as I Survive with that item I can bring it into the next match, I am also allowed to bring offerings that I earn by levelling the Blood Web. To make this Challenge EXTRA HARD I have decided that any matches where a teammate DC’s or gives up even at 5 gens, the Match STILL COUNTS!
2nd Channel - @NotAyrun
Killer Channel - @moreayrun
Edited by @TithiDBD
Thumbnail @KodexDBD
Hope you enjoyed!
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Welcome to the Solo Hardcore Survivor Challenge, where I have to reach Iridescent 1 before I run out of Characters, the thing that makes this Challenge so hard is exactly what you'd expect... Solo Queue. I managed to reach Bronze IV by the end of this Episode, I hope to see you all every Saturday for each new episode of this series, I really hope you enjoy!


It’s incredible how Ayrun can loop a killer for 10 whole minutes yet still 0 gens are done.


That kobe into the hatch against the Billy was so unexpectedly amazing. Keeps the dream alive to get those Laurie teachables for the rest of the run.


29:13 Claudette starts self-care through sloppy
29:31 Leon using medkit through sloppy
29:58 Claudette finishes healing
30:00 Leon fishes healing


The wraith was actually pretty damn good but at the end he just was so confused to the point the couldn’t keep up with the game anymore. You could see he was specifically chasing you in order to learn how to play better but the overload of things happening and new information prolly confused the hell outta him


Good to see this series again, even if it is solo this time. Looking forward to seeing more episodes from you!


The fact that the Billy chased for that long, and there were still FOUR gens, reminds me why I stopped playing the game since I was always solo. Thank God for the new group I found. Ggs


This 'Hello friends' from Otz always cracks me up, seriously dude this is the funniest thing I've been seeing in a while.


The biggest Problem I see in the beginning are the other survivors. Ayrun is running the killer like mad, and there are sitting somewhere doing nothing. 😅


I’ve been waiting for the boys to do another hardcore survivor. Happy Ayrun said “fine, I’ll do it myself “


I really like how at 29:32 while ayrun is being chased, both survivors are self caring themselves 😂


I was really disappointed when Dowsey decided to discontinue the hardcore survivor series. Seeing you guys on Season 2 was some of my favorite DBD content of all time. Maybe next year you and other members of the community can organize it and collaborate again.


That moment in RPD "I wont throw this pallet its too good, oh wait its gone". 😂 a usual solo que game moment right there!


Ayrun is AWESOME! My gf recently got me into dbd and i LOVE the game! Ayrun has helped me so much with tips&tricks, perks, strategies and etc. Thanks for helping me and others in the dbd community! Keep up the great work!


Quiet honey, Ayrun is doing his solo hardcore survivor challenge


The problem I've run into with the idea of solo escape streaks is that they often require you to play selfishly in order to escape, which isn't very fun or fair to your teammates oftentimes


One of the things I enjoyed about the past Hardcore series was seeing the evolution of the killer skill set as the games went on. I am excited that we now get to see the evolution of the survivor skill set in the solo challenge. I'm sure it will be maddening at times because that is the nature of solo queue, but it will be fun to watch. Good luck!


Hopefully the 3 gen Skull Merchants don’t ruin this run 🤞🥺 Good luck Ayrun!


That first match was already so stressful. OMG. There were some really insane chases and clutch hatches. My tiny heart can't take this series but I am so excited!


26:50, Leon wasn’t summoned, he saw the future and knew he had to be there. If you look closely there was a blood stain on the ground a little before Ayrun vaulted.
