Pt. 1 Pitts & Spitts 1250 Review | Unboxing First Cook | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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#HarrySoo #SlapYoDaddyBBQ #PittsSpitts
Many thanks to Pitts & Spitts for providing the Maverick 1250 for a test drive and multi-part video series. Click “SHOW MORE” for links and info. Love outdoor grilling? Want to master BBQ so you can spread BBQ love? You've come to the right place. I've been cooking and teaching with live fire over 10 years as a competition BBQ cook. You may have also seen me on Chopped Grill Masters, Cutthroat Kitchen, Smoked, and BBQ Pitmasters. Be sure to subscribe for recipes and black belt pitmaster tips and tricks.

Venmo - @Harry-Soo

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Hi! I'm Harry Soo, a Grand Champion pitmaster from in Diamond Bar, near Los Angeles. Welcome to my vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes, as well as interviews and stories.
On weekdays, I'm an IT nerd living a Dilbertesque existence in a fabric covered cubicle in downtown LA. I'm the head tour guide for a team of IT project managers who build datacenters, networks, servers, and infrastructure that helps bring tap water to 300 cities and 20 million residents in SoCal.
On weekends, I come alive as a pitmaster, competitor, and BBQ instructor. You've seen me on BBQ Pitmasters, Food Network, Chopped Grill Masters, Smoked, Cutthroat Kitchen, and local TV in California. My shtick is I've used a humble 18-inch Weber Smokey Mountain smoker to win 100+ first places and 1st place USA in the Kansas City BBQ Society (KCBS) awards including best chicken, brisket, and sirloin; and I've won over 30 Grand Championships. I've personally taught 250+ classes and trained 4,000+ pitmasters in small hands-on dozen student classes in the US, Sydney, Perth, London, Kuala Lumpur, Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Canada, and Hawaii.
I get many questions weekly about how to grill and barbecue. Since I started cooking professionally in 2008, I've answered thousands via email, so I decided to post my answers via video to reach a wider audience. I'll do my best to post a video on my channel periodically. I upload vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes, as well as interviews and stories.
#harrysoo #slapyodaddybbq
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I wrapped the top heat deflector in foil and I’m glad I did. I clean about every 7-8 cooks and I’m makes the process easier.


Thanks Harry for including us in your BBQ adventures


I'm impressed with evenness of the heating.


Perfect timing, this is the exact unit I am looking at for this spring.


That is a very solid looking pit Harry! Thanks for the review and that chicken looked fantastic!!!! Can't wait to see more and have a great week!


Great video Harry! I’ve had my 1250 for a few years now here in Southwest MN and it runs great all year round!


I am an offset smoker myself. Harry you have gotten me a lot of compliments!!!!


Few notes as a current Pitts & Spitts 850 owner. First, make sure the heat plate is pushed all the way tight against the left hand wall. Secondly, you want to center the firepot heat shield over the firepot as a starting point. You can then slide the shield to the hot side an inch or two to help even out temps even further. Lastly, it looks like you may need to adjust your front shelf upwards. The felt on the lid should rest firmly on the shelf when closed.


Awe yeah getting g down as always thank you for all the hard work you do sir


Nice unit, I see they sell a wood chunk cage thats over the burn pot, wood chunks slide down so you get real wood flavor, I bet pecan shell pellets in the hopper and post oak wood chunks in the cage over fire pot wood be a good combination, post oak is pretty mild


Harry, thanks so much for this review. Looking forward to the rest of the "series". Hopefully once you get a few more cooks under your belt you can let us know your thoughts on the build quality (sounds pretty good), pellet consumption and smoke flavor. Thanks again for all you do.


I've haven't had my P&S a super long time, but I'm loving it more every day. It's pretty expensive, but it's built to last with everything (except maybe that smokestack... poor thing) all 7 and 10 gauge metal. Most heavy duty pellet grill I've had my hands on, including Yoder. Some people may not like the no frills aspect like it not having smoke settings, side shelves, etc, but it's the most problem free pellet grill I've ever had.

It may not be perfect, but it'll last forever and puts out good food, especially after it's been used for a while.


Mr Soo for the best BBQ flavor do you prefer a stick burner or a pellet? And thank you again for your support of LE!


I have a YS 640 pellet smoker and i have the door on the drip plate also and i have the the plate with no door. i use the plate with the door all the time never change it. to dam heavy to go back and forth with them. Just wrap the plate with foil and clean up so easy.


Love my SS2000 with upright!! Thing is a tank! Thanks for the review!


I have the 1250 also and the heat profile is uneven as hell. Also, the internal temp reading is off by about 20-25 degrees. Example: If I set it at 225.. it will always read 245-250 on the grate. Measured this with a thermoworks smoke (which I know is accurate to a degree or two)


If I were a doggie I would like to be Harry Soo’s doggie. Testing BBQ is my specialty! 😁 lucky dog!


Great timing on this video, mine just got shipped from them! Hopefully the chimney top is in better shape.


Those are great pellet smokers! We sell a lot of those 1250s. The all Stainless models are really beautiful!!


With all the grills out there...which 1 grill/smoker would YOU buy?? And I know on another video you said you loved your "knock off, big green egg"
