JSON Relational Duality Views

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This session will focus on the brand new and revolutionary new features in Oracle Database 23cFree: JSON Relational Duality.

00:00 - 00:39 Intro
00:40 - 03:24 Oracle Database 23c Free
03:25 - 10:12 Summary of JSON features in 23c:
03:25 - 05:16 JSON Type
05:17 - 06:20 Multi-Value Index
06:21 - 08:29 JSON Schema
08:30 - 10:02 JSON_Transform
10:03 - 12:22 JSON Relational Duality
12:23 - 13:25 GraphQL
13:26 - 43:45 Live Demo: Student-Teacher-Class
14:50 - 16:33 'Student' Duality view
16:34 - 17:39 Injected 'metadata', 'etag' aand 'asof' fields
17:40 - 18:52 updating JSON Duality views
18:53 - 22:08 optimistic locking, etag mismatch
22:09 - 24:48 other objects for 'teacher' and 'class',
24:50 - 28:48 'schedule' duality View using GraphQL syntax
28:49 - 30:28 querying the 'schedule' Duality view from SQL
30:29 - 32:38 querying using from MongoDB shell
32:39 - 33:24 query and update usign MongoDB Compass
33:25 - 36:33 detecting conflicting updates
36:34 - 39:30 sharing the same value across documents and collections
39:31 - 41:45 Restricting which parts of a document can be changed
41:46 - 43:45 field level updates and value sharing
43:46 - End Summary and Q&A
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I have a question: WHY?

It's all very snazzy being able to update JSON stored in the DB, but why do you want to do this?

JSON is a data-interchange format; not an internal database one. I fail to grasp why you wouldn't simply convert your JSON into normal Oracle table rows/columns and access it traditionally.
