Retail Business Manager Pro (multiple warehouse locations) Excel Template

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The Retail Business Manager (Pro) is suited for managing inventory and sales if you are running a retail business of buying products from suppliers and selling to customers. You can manage inventory at multiple warehouse locations using this template.

Order Management
6 types of orders
Handles returns
Auto-populate product prices in orders
Inventory Management
Manage inventory at up to 20 locations
Calculates current inventory of a product
Set re-order points and know what to order
Checks availability while creating invoices
Finance Management
Track payments on orders
Handles Tax
Handles product level and order level Discounts
Track operational expenses
Calculates COGS, Gross and Net Profit
Invoice / P.O.
Generate automatic Invoice/P.O.
Export to PDF or Print
Customize with logo and data as needed
Data Management
Easily accessible Product and Order Lists
Organized Customer/Supplier data
Maintain product price data
Inventory Dashboard
Accounts Payable/Receivable
6 Page interactive report
12 month trends of all key metrics
Identify best products and partners
Inventory Value calculation
Know when payments are due
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Great app sir and will definitely order it today
Question: 1: is it possible to add more than 25 categories as I have a jewelry business and needs different ring sizes?
2: is it customizable to any extend? Eg: adding product pictures or adding new columns to the sheet etc…?
Please let me know and again great job :) thanks


Nice template. I think, it would be better if the start date and end date in summary can be set from a calender view or something like that. Thanks.


hi, how can I record payment to vendor or payment from customer if it is a split payment?


Is this compatible for online viewing e.g. Google Sheets?

Can it be accessed by multiple persons at the same time?


can we add marketing expenses, such as promotional expenses in expenses


can the warehouse locations be considered as store locations if need be
