FFXV Comrades - Better Character Build Tips / Newbie friendly advice!

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Been seeing an awful lot of high level players with scrappy stats and lazy weapon builds. Let's go over some tips, ideas and resources to get you up to speed.

Things I referenced in this video:

Note: I no longer cover FFXV Comrades due to production halting in 2019 and no updates planned for the future. What you see in the game is all of the content that will be available from this point forward. If you're interested in Destiny 2 or Phantasy Star Online 2, I also cover those games!

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The weapons crafting system is really what makes Comrades shine. Theres so many builds you can make, even if some of them arent as optimal as say a pure magic build. Currently working on a Dragoon build and its damn fun already.


Thanks a lot man. Comrades can be a bit overwhelming for new players, so its nice to have outside help like this.


Farm magic items like wicked claws and Blue Skyserpent Talons. Get a besmirched blade lvl 30 and upgrade it all the way using anything that gives resistance stats. Dismantle everything to get gemstones for resistance and magic and the stones that add levels to the weapons. Get four elder bows. Wicked claw for blizzaga. Blue skyserpent talon for thundaga. Jurmandgon Spaithorn (however you spell it) for Firaga. Do one of the chocobo battles (third one, I think) for the stone that gives you Diara (2nd level holy magic). One spell on each bow. At least 33% resistance on each resistance stat on each weapon. You will do 9999 damage with each hit by level 20. You should also shoot for over 700 magic stat on each weapon and use Multicast sigil.


I asked you like a week ago if i should pick up this DLC . You know what, no regret !


I have been scratching my head at making a build for my character. I want to be more magically oriented but I found it is fun to weave spells in between combos. I know the optimal is like 3 wizard shields and the diaga daggers but is there a way to make a viable warp strike spell build or something like with a hybrid mind set to it?


The lance is just too good. Just hold circle to win on small mobs and then go aerial ace and smash those faces


I didn't even have 900 strength and I was about to fight


Thank you for this video, but I was looking for help on getting to that 500 stat per weapon. On that spreadsheet it doesn’t say what the max level is for the weapons, unless I missed it. I would need a list of the lvl 99 weapons to get started with what weapons can even do this, next I would need to know how much leeway I have with using the best item to upgrade it to hit the remodel requirements. I’m paralyzed currently because there is no way to know if I have good enough items to complete the weapon so I’m just going along as far as I can without upgrading. That is why you see people like me out there. I could put all these items into a weapon and turn out that I didn’t have enough of a certain one to hit the remodel requirement. Then that weapon and all the materials are trashed.


the most broken weapon in the game is the dragon whisker with 2 penetrator x. fighting ifrit rematch and bahamut final match in 1v1 (late part of each fight) is quite easy.


We're do you find the dragon whisker?


I can't click on the link to the cheat sheet do I need to be on a computer to do so


Can somebody give me advice on how to beat the A Familiar Fright mission? I watched this video to see if I am maybe doing something wrong with my build up but it is actually quite good.

My character has a nice build up since I can destroy all those bombs and flans in 1-2 hits but the enemies just destroy that shack way too quickly. Is there a way I could somehow lure them away from that shack or something? It doesn't help that I also play with AIs that are not very useful...


Can we have a link to the googlesheet???
maybe i missed it in the video


Im tryna come up with builds that have just enough strength and/or magic with some defensive focuses. I dont want my characters to be glass cannons. Can anyone help?


this online mode is the worst ive ever played. One fight the enemy was outside the zone so I couldnt attack or the mission is lost, the other time i just got a blackscreen and the game crashed, I can find any player. its prob dead. the server were off after 2 hours playtime, u level so slow its disgusting, the fight mechanic feels so slow than the maingame and warp doesnt even work good.
