Give Me an Answer - All Religions Do Not Say the Same Thing. Jesus Is Different From the Rest.

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Program 1922 ................... - Multiple Paths to Heaven ? - Justice - All have Sinned ..............
Recorded at Texas State University - October 2021.

The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.

#Evidence #Christianity #Jesus #apologetics
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People are always so quick to say "if God is all powerful and good then why does He allow evil" well mainly because He's patient. If He wiped all evil out, are you confident you wouldn't be wiped out? By His standard you may very well be washed away by your own logic.


It’s nice to see a crowd of people lending their ear and not yelling at him or degrading him by insulting and belittling. God is at work via Cliffe here in this video! 🎣


I love the fact that he positions himself to look her into the eyes at one level and not from higher up.
Jesus is really shining through him🙌


I love how he actually has conversations with the students as opposed to the ones who visit college campuses and only scream or speak aggressively through a microphone.

Praise the LORD🙌🏻


Jesus Christ answered my cry to Him in August 1984. I am 64 years old. Yes, the evidence definitely points to Jesus being the way, the truth, and the life. I have 64 years of life experience around Christians and non- Christians, and my own experience. Much reading, and observing what believing in Jesus does in people compared to atheism and teachings which contradict what Jesus said. I can say that Jesus has made all the difference I needed. I am not wealthy in this world but all my true needs are met, and my heart and mind have an anchor in Jesus that nothing else ever provided. Knowing Jesus is everything and I can't wait to see Him.


Cliffe, your words touched that young lady; it could be seen in her face. Please don’t stop spreading the Good News. It’s touching so many lives. Be blessed 🙏🏾


I love how respectful and open these students are. Quite the breath of fresh air honestly. Keep up the great work Cliffe


Hallelujah to the Lord my God,
for healing my heart during a heart attack!

On March 26th 2022,
just past midnight,
I was laying restless in bed,
and I had a heart attack.

My arms and legs became tingly and numb,
then my chest got tighter,
and then my heart felt like it was being crushed.

So I sang out to God and Jesus,
about my pain, my feelings,
my faults and my inabilities.

As I sang, I began to feel like a river,
and a hand was on my back,
it's fingers where skimming the surface,
separating the waters,
causing ripples through my body.

Then the hand reached inside my chest,
lit my heart on fire,
and the heat moved like waves through my body.

When I was done singing,
all the pain was gone,
and I looked at the clock,
it was past 1am,
I had been singing near an hour.

Then the voice of my guardian angel called my name from above,
and there was a hymn of energy in the air,
the same hymn I hear in my dreams of God.

Hallelujah to the Lord my God for healing my heart!
Hallelujah for His son Jesus for saving my soul!
Hallelujah for every day!
Hallelujah for every breath!

The Lord is Faithful and true!

May the Lord Bless your hearts!


He speaks in a way that people really listen. That’s such a hard skill to master. He’s a good listener and speaker. That’s really rare. I’m sure he has confrontational conversations at times but all the videos I’ve seen he really commands the audiences attention.


6 years ago I started to follow Jesus, and I will not leave him.


I was a practicing witch since 18 years of age, I’m 28 ..I wore a pentacle and taught people about the craft as well, yesterday I removed my pentacle after many years of not removing it unless it was in the hospital or something else where I wasn’t able to keep it, part of my decision came from listening to my pastor father in law, and you … thank you, I will be doing my first prayer tonight and will be baptized in the spring as it’s cold 😅in my region 😊


I've had a ton of doubt's recently, and I've been praying about it. Next thing you know, I'm watching this because it came into my for you page. Prayer works like crazy.


He said more in less than 2 minutes than most prosperity preachers say in their entire lives.


What this man is doing will be counted for eternity. God bless you Cliffe


Very powerful to see father and son running together in Christ Jesus. God bless from Papua New Guinea.


What I loved about this video is that is shows that in order to teach, one must be teachable. The teacher and the student must both speak as well as listen. There has to be a balance. My teenage son shared this YT page with me and I’m so grateful.❤


Man I loved the transition at 24:22, after Cliff describes Christs sinlessness, he tags his son Stuart in who’s ready on the beat. Father son goals.


Can be tough being a young person these days, but communication is definitely one of the keys. Appreciate what you're doing here sir, great work.


I'm praising Jesus listening to this.


The way Cliff looks at his son while he is speaking so highly of our father God with all the intellectual knowledge they had spent together learning.. Its beautiful beyond words 😍🙏🏽
