Give Me an Answer - Are We Really Responsible For What We Do? Is There A Judgement Day?

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Program 2423 ................... - Religions - Faith - Judgement ..............
Recorded at The University of South Carolina - April 2023

The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.

#Evidence #Christianity #Jesus #apologetics
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The day of judgement is horrifying. Most of those we see every day brought to a terrible punishment. May God have mercy upon them. But by Gods grace alone we would all suffer on that day and ever after. I hope against hope that the grace of God covers far more people than I can imagine.


I say, "Even So Come Lord Jesus" I am looking forward for that glorious day. Where there's no more pain, no more sorrow, no more hospitals, no more bills, where I will spend eternity with my Lord and Savior for ever!


you for doing what you're doing. Spreading the wisdom. Thank you sir


Stuart and kliffe by far the best debaters on yt love ur videos man and pray for u 🙏 ❤️


Thank you Pastor Cliffe. Thank you Jesus Christ


Man, I LOVE THIS MAN ❤❤ 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️. He makes good Valid points. Smart man ❤❤


Thank you for your ministry. You have been helping people think through the most important choice in their lives. May God glorify Himself through you, and through the Lord Jesus Christ.


I like how it’s father and son spreading the gospel of truth. So inspiring to see 🙏👏


Thank you for allowing God to use you Cliff. You are an incredible servant and I have taken a lot of your content and have been able to teach many about God and His nature. I have been able to plant so many seeds with your articulation of His word. Thank you so much. Love you brother. Praying for you and your family.


Great job Stuart and cliffe ! Keep it coming! Favorite vids easiky


True, gossip is rampant these days through social media not to mention celebrities-tmz, reality tv shows, and talk shows, all from crafty Satan. Most including myself need to repent and seek Christ to overcome gossiping.
1 John 1:9
Philippians 4:13
James 1:26
“If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless”


Stuart and Cliffe are awesome! Both of their answers so alike yet so different. I love that Stuart gets to do this with his father, he has so much potential it’s amazing. God bless them both! 🙏🙌🫶


Thank you Cliffe, I’ve been having spiritual warfare and many doubts about our lord, but your words have been a great help with my problems.


Good job on The George Janko show guys 👍


I would love to be baptized. I was baptized as an infant but now that I’ve come to Christ a baptism means so much more.


Hey Cliffe! I just wanted to say thank you so much for making these videos. You have helped grow my relationship with Christ as well as helped me by answering common questions I find asking myself about God and Christianity as a whole. Keep it up. God bless 🙏🏼❤️


God bless you and your family Cliffe. In fact, God bless everyone you talk to too. I love you and I’m grateful you’re here doing this. You may not realize the impact you’ve actually had on this world. Your videos are see around the world. Keep up the good fight. I don’t agree with you theologically since I’m Orthodox but I’m with you on turning people onto Christ our creator.


Thank you for clarifying the baptism question. I've been contemplating it for the past couple years and only occasionally come across reasonable apologetic explanations that make sense.

I deeply appreciate what you're doing! God bless ✝️


Thank you Cliff you have been a great influence to me and are one of the reasons I have started my own YouTube channel where I share the gospel with others online. I hope I can get your opinion and some advice one day. He’ll doing what you’re doing


Thank you to pastor Cliffe and pastor Stuart for being vessels for God to pass along His word. These videos help me so much personally and I’m sure many of these students. These years are some of the most important years
