A Man Ate Only Instant Noodles For 6 Months. This Is What Happened To His Organs.

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Patient GN by Wolfgang Nelson, Sarah by Joanna Ferbrache, PA Tristyn Smith

In-depth channel: @HemeReview
Secret channel: @BigEmus

Some images by Getty Images

0:00 A Man Ate 600 Pounds Ramen Over 6 Months
0:18 He isn't pregnant, but he's here 😳 to deliver
0:32 An important 🥶 history
1:16 Noodle 🍜 Good
2:10 Is this stress 😳 or is something else 🤔 going on here
3:06 I'd have my wife to drive me too instead of getting charged $9000 for 🚑 ambulance via high deductible unsurance
3:39 Gut health 😌 very important
5:06 Have you ever eaten noodles 🍜 so good that you look like this?
6:35 haha water go 😳 glug glug
8:00 What if we 😳 deamidated our glutamine residues 😳 after lunch
9:28 Pack it up boys 👨‍⚕️ everything's cured
10:00 noooo u cant just eat 4 pounds of instant noodles everyday
10:45 I have no idea what my husband is doing but I think he's smuggling forbidden noodles into his workplace
11:24 What 😲 are 😲 those
12:54 New Oma
13:41 U think 🤔 it's refractory but how can we be sure?
14:43 This is what the noodles revealed was happening in his gut

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


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What if we 😳 deamidated our glutamine residues 😳 after lunch

PS whether or not you have GN's health issues, eating this extreme for that long will cause nutritional deficiency, of which the symptoms will look similar to what GN had


Last time I ate 100lbs of ramen/month, I was awarded a Bachelor's degree


If you're ever feeling bad about your choices in life, just remember that this man went from swallowing an earbud to becoming a world-renowned doctor, to a sketchy food truck operator, and then back to eating 600 lbs of noodles & telling a nurse he's not pregnant but "here to deliver", without missing a beat.


GN has hypernoodleemia.
Hyper- meaning high, noodle meaning noodle and -emia meaning presence in blood


The actors doing the reenactment were epic and I had to chuckle at the instant noodle containers all over his body while he seizures part.


This actor deserves an oscar, an emmy, and a grammy.


"He isn't pregnant, but he is here to deliver" Has me dieing in my bed.


Celiac patient here. I cook my own food and it is mostly bland. The hardest part for me is not the cooking part or scrutinizing every bit of food that gets to my mouth but the belittling from family members or "friends" that think I am exaggerating especially when I say I don't eat in any restaurant or accept food without knowing where and how it was cooked. Celiac disease is an esoteric topic and most people will look at you as crazy or outright mock you when you try to explain it.


I want to thank you @Chubbyemu. I had had bloating, nausea and abdominal pain for a year and the doctors couldnt figure out why when this video released.
My blood test showed no antibodies, so my GP told me it wasnt celiac but she was gonna refer me to a specialist since nothing had improved over a year.
After biopsy and genotype testing im now diagnosed with celiac without anitbody production, and having my first meeting with a dietitian tomorrow.


When I saw the title and heard that the man came in with delusions, my first thought was “Huh, I have to wonder if he has Celiac’s disease like the woman in the “A Woman Drank a Liter of Soy Sauce” video.” And I was right! It goes to show how good Chubbyemu is at teaching complex medical subjects when I can remember, understand and apply information from a video he released 4 years ago. Thank you for the work you put into educating your audience- it’s working.


I've been celiac for about 3 years now. Believe it or not it was anemia that led me and my doctor to even suspect this disease. I cannot even imagine the misery that man would be going through eating that much gluten. I've been put down for 2 days eating a single sausage that had gluten in it. That poor man.


I always hear this man's voice in my head when I'm about to do something stupid, and it reaffirms that I should not do the thing. You could say this channel has saved my life in a way.


This actor is bloody great, always playing his roles to the max.


I feel sorry for his situation. He obviously went through harsh conditions. I'm happy he got a supportive wife and especially a diagnosis (although late). Glad he could recover from that condition.


Kudos to the actor for suffering so many physical conditions as dedication to his craft


Fun fact: some countries (in particular South Korea) mandate a list of nutrients that has to be added in instant ramen noodles (similar to iodized salt or cereals with added iron) so that a person can technically live off said instant ramen noodle and minimal side dishes without suffering serious nutritional deficiencies. That is, unless the person has a different problem like the one explained in this video.


Whenever he says the pt made "a recovery" you know that person is screwed. Good job getting Jon Hamm for the video!


As someone who enjoys noodles on occasion and has Anemia (from Sickle Cell, not Celiac) this was pretty eye-opening. A good reminder that moderation is key in all things; _"The dose makes the poison."_


i’m a med student so i’m basically living off coffee and instant noodles and these past videos are making me question my life choices


Thank you so much for explaining how debilitating celiac disease actually is. My family never takes me seriously and still don't understand how incredibly careful I must be to not cross contaminate my food with even the slightest traces of gluten. I had years of constant pain, inflammation and severe brain fog and kept getting weaker and weaker. I must have lost 2 or 3 years of my life to this disease. I don't want to ever go back to the state I was in back then. Btw I didn't have problems when I was young, but it started in my mid twenties. I believe the trigger might have been a viral infection.
