Arduino control dc motor l293d | arduino l293d motor driver

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arduino control dc motor using l293d motor driver ic. L293d ic is used to control speed and direction of dc motor. The l293d motor driver ic is a 16-pin Motor Driver IC which is used to control two dc motor simultaneously in any direction. That means it can individually drive up to two dc motor making it ideal for building a two-wheel robot car. The l293d is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600 mA (per channel) at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V (at pin 8!). 

Topic cover:
How to control dc motor using l293d motor driver.
arduino l293d motor driver code.
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Arduino line follow robot and obstacle avoiding car 2in1

Components Required for arduino l293d motor driver.
1. Arduino Uno
2. 1 x l293d Motor driver IC
3. 2 x dc Motor
4. 9v battery
5. Breadboard
6. Jumper Wire

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#Arduino #arduinotutorial #controldcmotor #l293dmotordriveric

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arduino dc motor control with l293d motor driver ic
l293d motor driver ic arduino
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//Code for Lasy Coders
//Motor 1
const int MotorPin1 = 5;
const int MotorPin2 = 6;

//Motor 2
const int MotorPin3 = 10;
const int MotorPin4 = 9;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(MotorPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorPin4, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Turn Motor1 in clockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, LOW);
//Turn Motor1 in counterclockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, LOW);
//Turn Motor2 in clockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, LOW);
//Turn Motor2 in counterclockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, HIGH);
//Turn Motor1 and Motor2 in clockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, LOW);
//Turn Motor1 and Motor2 in counterclockwise for 3 second
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin4, HIGH);


I watched another video that the guy left out the ARDUINO CODE so I was left hanging stuck in my project after 2 hours of trying to get it to work. I don't know if your video works here or not but your code works after I changed some pin numbers, so "THANK YOU VERY MUCH" for the code! I might try your video for a future project since I know your code works. Thanks Again!


I was strugling a lot cz only 1 of my motors were working and the other didnt, they are now both working, your video helped me


Tq, so much it required 10hrs for me to run my dc motor


Simple explanation, straight to the point, easily adaptable code.

Do you have any video with this exercise using PWM to control motor speed?

Well done again!


Great video by the way. I have two question. If you could answer them, it would much appreciated. The first one is, let say i have a robot, how can we make it do a left or right turn? The other one is, how can we powered the two motor with a 9v battery and use another 9v battery to power the arduino alone?


1.Why did you connected
1, 8 and 9, 16 to +ve
4, 5 and 11, 12 pins to -ve
from L293d to bread board.what. is its use?
To get power supplied to l293d is the reason or anything else.
2.can we connected another two motors in the same bread board on the same pins i.e out1, out2


In the diagram at 0:52; at the right side, you have the +9v from battery connecting to the +5v of the Arduino. Isn't this a problem?


I want to control both motor simultaneously how should i do it?


Is there any way for this to turn and stop after 10 seconds not 6?


Hello. If I want to control two motors at the same time, but in opposite directions, could I connect both of them to one side of the L293D chip, and just reverse their polarities?


Is it safe to directly use a 9v battery and an arduino with the 5v? I'm fairly new to robotics but I have heard that it could mess up the arduino. I have a power module that I could use but it seems to cut out a lot of the power. Is there any other way of using the battery or is it okay to just use the arduino?


Bro how can i install a pot with it
Please reply it's urgent🥺🥺


i connected it the way you did but nothing happened and the battery got really hot


My chip gets really hot. I checked the data sheet and it's safe up to 600ma...I have measured the motor current draw during operation and it draws just half this around 300ma but it get hot really quick. Does it need a heat sink or is there something wrong?


Can it be that when a place Arduino l293d with sheild on breadboard pins of motor sheild don't get placed on breadboard


Can You help me out plz i am now going to mad ....
Our project is Obstacle avoidance robot in that we are using Arduino UNO, IR sensor, 4 BO motors.
So can You plz tell me which motor driver should i use?Whether L293D OR L298N or L293D moto driver shield and why plz reply me


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