Shorts: Making instant ice

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I am so grateful for any support you choose to give, financial or emotional! 🙏 With very pure water you can actually cool it below it's freezing point before smacking it to turn it into ice right before your eyes. The trick is to cool the bottle overnight and be very gentle when removing from the freezer.
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This has nothing to do with Fiji water being "pure", works with tap water as well.


Can do this with almost any drink, I accidentally left a bottle of cola in the freezer and it made instant slushi when I opened the cap.

Far too many self proclaimed PhD's in here so here's a little excerpt from an actual scientist (not me).😊

 "It isn't the pressure drop directly, because you can give an upper-bound estimate to how much cooling the pressure drop directly does based on the observation that the pressure is not more than a few atmospheres. That means that space the gas in the bottle gets multiplied by a factor of, say 10 (that's too big), and (kT times) the entropy gain per atom is

and kT is 1/30 eV, so you get at best 1/10 eV per gas atom. The density of gas on top is 1/300 the density of water, and the maximum total cooling from expanding that gas is negligible per atom of liquid. There is no significant cooling and heating in compressing a liquid, since essentially no work is done in the process, so the pressure drop does nothing to the liquid.

But the pressure drop makes the soda supersaturated with respect to its dissolved CO2, and this CO2 is outgassing from a liquid state to a gas state, and this is a huge gain in entropy. By outgassing the dissolved CO2 into bubbles, each CO2 atom gets a 300-fold increase of available volume to roam, and this can cool the liquid by

So you get .25eV per released CO2 molecule, which is comperable to the binding energy of a water molecule. So each outgassed CO2 freezes order 1 H2O, and this freezes a network of filaments of water around the outgassed bubbles, making a slush."


"smash it strong"
me:*break the house to half*


It has nothing to do with the “pureness” of fiji water, you could do this with literally any bottle of water


“SoO pUrE” lmao I did this years ago with a grape Powerade..


Suggestion: If your winters get below freezing, do it outside, and stay outside when turning it into instant ice. That way the water bottle won’t turn foggy and you can see it freeze much better. If not, keep it in the freezer when you shake it (however this might also get in the way of seeing it).


It can be any water bottle, I did that with circle K water in Phoenix


Its not only fiji Water it’s possible with pretty much any liquid. So Cola, Sprite etc. are also eligible.


Its the pressure waves from the smacking. Normaly water needs a particle to start freezing on. But if you have clear water without bubbles and such, it does'nt freeze. Smacking creates a denser wavefront to freeze on. You can see it in the video as it freezes from the cap down.
Please correct me if i'm wrong i want to learn more :).


I grew up in Alaska and basically any drink you leave outside during winter would do this. It was so annoying sometimes, I’d accidentally leave my water bottle outside and I would come get it and then open it and it would freeze as I went to sip it.


Excellent example of how even when you did your own experiment to confirm, you can still be duped if you made an assumption at the start. Fiji water is just like all water.


If it was "pure" water. It wouldn't stay liquid below 0, it would freeze at 0. That's what 0°c is...


I accidentally got good at this. I’d always forget to put enough bottled water in the fridge, so I’d stick a couple in the freezer when I refilled the fridge, knowing I’d want cold water again in about 3-4 hours, which is, coincidentally, how long it takes my freezer to get the water right in the range for this effect


“OnLy FiJi WaTeR cAn Do ThIs”, no you can do this with literally every drink


"Pure" lol, I saw mythbusters do this with beer like a decade ago


You can do this will apostle any drink, if you also pore it out on something else that is frozen, it will turn into a slushy tower thing and instantly freezes also.


This happens all the time in the winter out at our cabin. We have a case of cheap bottle water out there almost constantly, around 65% of them will do this for us


I love how the internet lies to me on a daily


"instant ice"

"Put it in the fridge overnight"


Drinking water isn’t supposed to be “pure” whatever that means. It’s not supposed to be distilled water
