Quantum Theory, Lecture 19: Spinors. Poincare Group. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.
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Lecture 19 of my Quantum Theory course at McGill University, Fall 2012. Poincare Group. Weyl & Dirac Spinors. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at
The written notes for this lecture are available at
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at
The written notes for this lecture are available at
Quantum Theory, Lecture 19: Spinors. Poincare Group. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.
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QFT - 19: Spinor Representation of Lorentz Transformation (Prof. Binil Aryal, IoST, TU/ 30 May 2021)
What are spinors? | Stephen Wolfram and Lex Fridman
Spinors Explained | Peter Woit and Lex Fridman
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Michael Atiyah, What is a Spinor
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