2024 Budget Redo | Aja Dang Budget

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I'm Aja Dang and in this video, I'm sharing re-doing my budget for 2024... maybe not necessarily re-doing my budget, just finally looking at my budget since I haven't been keeping track of it since buying a house. I'm taking a look at my financial health and setting goals for money in the new year. I'm also making some recommendations for how to redo your budget for the new year so that you have the financial stability you need to achieve your money goals.

This year is a major step in your financial journey and it's important to have a plan for what you want to achieve. I'm sharing my plan with you so that you can make the most of the new year and reach your money goals! #2024goals #moneygoals #howtobudgetmoney

ps. please don't judge me with my food budget. I KNOW. I KNOW. 🙇🏻‍♀️

- Elodie


Tik Tok: ajadang
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i've been doing kroger delivery for the entire year and according to my account i've made over $1, 200 in savings. I give myself a budget of $250 a month on groceries only for myself. I used to shop in store but i would walk around and find things that wasn't on my list and leave with waaay more than I planned. I only shop what's on sale and what I have a coupon for and having a kroger boost membership I get lots of more savings and each purchase i gain fuel points and I only get gas at kroger and I average getting 80 cents per gallon off. Long story short lol not setting foot in a grocery store has saved me a crap ton of money.


Yes! This was a year of self indulgence for me. I had a great time, but now it’s time to be grown and rebuild my budget again. I’m about to bust out my envelopes again. 😅 This was just the inspiration I needed!


The wall, glasses, and blazer are EVERYTHING


I hope we will have a lot of budget videos in 2024!!! I truly missed them ❤️


My husband and I just started using YNAB to budget and oh my gosh it was a huge adjustment but now that we've got the hang of it I love it!! It really is helping us prioritize what we spend on. I like it because it's helping us get a month ahead on all our true expenses.


Love seeing you back in LA, Aja. SUCH old Aja vibes, love it and as always thanks for being so vulnerable about your moneys for us ❤❤


Thank you for uploading these videos. It really helps me set myself straight, I've been living in ignorant bliss with my finances and it's making me live in a not-so-ideal way... These videos are going to help me in 2024 for sure. NO MORE SELF FINANCIAL IGNORANCE. Thank you Aja <3 :)


So excited for this I have missed these videos! Insurance is all on probability. Statistically married men are less reckless than single men so premium goes down!


9:59 Can confirm I would LOVE a video on SEP!!!


It’s so funny everyone makes fun of me for ordering my groceries and picking them up! But I meal prep too because I’m a teacher. My groceries for the month for me and my fiancé is $600. It used to be a little less but the price of everything has gone up so much. I think ordering groceries makes things easier because you also JUST buy the things you need!


GIRL! I have saved soooo much money shopping groceries online for curbside. It controls me from spending impulsively but also I see how much everything is costing me and I strategize what’s worth spending money on. Plus I can compare the cheapest options instantly. Absolutely useful when you want to save money. Just need to relinquish control a little bit but if you leave notes (like get bundle of four ripe bananas), that helps!


Yes please do a new budget video!!!❤ I’m learning to budget and get my life in check with everything, I feel better when I have things planned out, just not sure how to start budgeting yet


Thank Aja! Because I watched this video I put myself on my husbands car insurance and immediately saved $130 per billing cycle, and got a prorated refund 🎉🎉


all of this is such a vibe. your aesthetic. the nail tapping. the budget talk. i'm here for it haha


I'm not sure if me saying this is a good thing or not lol, but i wanna be in that "i genuinely don't know what I'm spending money on anymore" vibe, but not in an obnoxious, greedy way (and don't get me wrong I'm really not saying that's what you did or mean 😅) but to be in a place where you still have positive incomes coming in but yet are able to pay for "random" things (and not be in excessive, ugly debt) is actually amazing i think (for me, as someone whos grown up not knowing positive money habits and even now in adulthood, bad decisions learnt from within my home😢) But i loved this video Aja! I learned quite a few things too 😃🤗😘


I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. I can definitely relate to this year just throwing the budget out the window (even though we started with nothing but the best intentions!) This was a great video that was comforting and inspiring. I'm excited to jump on the MSTRPLN train after spending a lot of time going back and forth this year on what kind of planner I wanted to purchase.

Santa gave me a little extra cash this year so I will be ordering both the physical and digital today! Excited to be a part of this community and see what other wonderful videos you have to share throughout the year! 🥰


Reducing car insurance costs through marriage is a great example of turning life changes into financial advantages. Now that you've freed up some funds, revisiting other budget areas like food expenses is a proactive approach to optimizing your overall financial picture.


I’m so early! Woo! I always love your finance videos.


This is the BEST and ONLY budget and weekly planner for meee. I cant EVER go back to another planner, she got mee in a...


Thank you. I really like your planner.
