Complete Responsive Food Website Using HTML CSS and JS | Step by Step Tutorial

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Complete Responsive Food Website Using HTML CSS and JS | Restaurant website using html
In this video, I am going to show you how to make a complete responsive website using HTML and CSS. We will cover the responsive website design step-by-step, guiding you through the process of building a complete responsive website from scratch. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a responsive website using HTML and CSS, including HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. Whether you want to design a responsive bootstrap website or a specific project like a food or restaurant website, this responsive website design tutorial will provide you with all the necessary skills. Join me to learn how to make a responsive website using HTML and CSS, and start building stunning, mobile-friendly websites today!
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00:00 - Website Overview
02:04 - Intro
02:10 - HTML Code
20:57 - CSS Style Code
59:39 - Javascript Code
01:07:13 - Thanks for Watching
Thanks to:
@code @procoder09 @ProcoderBD @CodeWithHarry @LearnCodingOfficial @programmingwithmosh @AnkitBurmanMusic
#restaurantwebsite #foodwebsite #htmlcssjs #frontend
In this video, I am going to show you how to make a complete responsive website using HTML and CSS. We will cover the responsive website design step-by-step, guiding you through the process of building a complete responsive website from scratch. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a responsive website using HTML and CSS, including HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. Whether you want to design a responsive bootstrap website or a specific project like a food or restaurant website, this responsive website design tutorial will provide you with all the necessary skills. Join me to learn how to make a responsive website using HTML and CSS, and start building stunning, mobile-friendly websites today!
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00:00 - Website Overview
02:04 - Intro
02:10 - HTML Code
20:57 - CSS Style Code
59:39 - Javascript Code
01:07:13 - Thanks for Watching
Thanks to:
@code @procoder09 @ProcoderBD @CodeWithHarry @LearnCodingOfficial @programmingwithmosh @AnkitBurmanMusic
#restaurantwebsite #foodwebsite #htmlcssjs #frontend