Real Event OCD - What It Looks Like!

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We have all made mistakes in our life. We may feel guilt or shame due to the event for a short time. We tend to learn from our errors and then move forward. What if the past experience(s) caused EXTREME anxiety and guilt ALL and EVERY DAY! See what Real Event OCD looks like and what the treatment is.

DISCLOSURE: Although I am a licensed therapist. This video is not intended to replace medical advice. This is for information purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a local mental health professional.⠀

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Do You Struggle With Real Event OCD? What does it look like? 😉


not gonna lie, i cry anytime i watch your videos because i always feel like i'm going crazy or i'm the only person dealing with this, but you describe things as if you're reading my mind. this type of ocd has been the hardest for me to deal with because i'm reminded of things i have actually done and i am convinced that i am an awful person. i've had many times where i was ruminating all day, and anytime i felt happy, i would think to myself "why are you happy... are you just unbothered by how awful of a person you are." sometimes i even convince myself that i don't even feel bad about these mistakes and i'll probably do them again. your videos have been a tremendous help to me and i cannot thank you enough!

p.s. while watching this i kept thinking, "this doesn't apply to you, your mistakes are much worse than everybody else's"... ocd is an ongoing struggle 😪


I can't put into words how exhausting/painful this is.


Cried so hard watching this. Good to know it’s not just me


The hardest part is when your brain tells you that you don’t deserve inner peace because what happened must be SO bad that you’re practically beyond the Pale.
It feels so hopeless.


How many of you feel that the Cancel Culture has somewhat acted as a trigger and a major thing to speculate for any person suffering from real event OCD. And this in the last 5 years in the world is all time high untill the pandemic hit us.


I wouldn’t wish this pain on anybody… it is debilitating, unbearable, and unlivable. It is actually hell and a prison in your mind. I just found out I have this type of OCD and it’s crazy that I’m not alone. I’m starting treatment and I think this time I’m going to climb out of this hole I’ve been sinking into for years. I pray for you all to find peace and self love soon. You all deserve it, and one action doesn’t define who you are. We all make mistakes and deserve a chance at a better, healthier life. God bless you all and thank you for the video.


"Your mind tells you that the guilt you are feeling is 100% real... You can easily convince yourself that what you are experiencing is normal and how you're reacting is actually how you should be reacting." Hearing another person describe exactly what goes through my mind has brought me an enormous amount of relief.


I think to myself at least I only made those sexual mistakes when I was a child, and that helps for a while. Then I start to feel really guilty again about those events, and it starts all over again. I end up sleeping during the day, not going out of the house, and not eating or drinking properly. I have been diagnosed with OCD, and depression. My brother, and sister know about everything, and they have been absolutely marvelous. I am truly blessed to have them in my life. Thank you for this video.


Thank you for posting this. I have been tortured by memories for years. It feels like there's no hope for me and I just want to give up. Not a day goes by when I'm not tortured by it. Shame is all I feel.


This is so tiring. Theme after theme. Pain, guilt, overwhelming anxiety. I've made so so many mistakes in my teen years. Mainly sexual. I really can't comprehend why I did those things, it's so against me as a person now. Before I was this bad those things still bothered me but no where near to this extreme. I wish I could restart life and erase all of this. I've wasted so many opportunities in life and I've only worsened myself. I'm constantly going over and over every little detail with everything that's happened. I'm so scared of being like this forever and letting my family down. I want to just feel love and happiness. I'd hate for anyone else to deal with this no matter who they are or what they've done. I can't ever see myself being happy, comfortable or living life how I want to. It's so much to deal with I'm literally just existing at this point. I feel like if I ever did get over this somehow I'd still have people trying to ruin my life and remind me of my mistakes and dragging me back down. Or being triggered and OCD grabbing and pulling me into that hole again and I'll never get out of it. There's so much going on in my mind I can't concentrate or just deal with life. I just want to be seen as a good person and not for what I've done. So fearful of judgement and not being perfect or fitting in with other people's ethics etc. Sorry for rambling I just felt I had to type this, which is probably a compulsion. I hope everyone dealing with this gets to break free eventually, do the things they want to do, live the life they want to live and gets a chance to finally be the person they want to be.


I struggle with this a lot with my past mistakes from 7-8 years ago that could really hurt people and cause them to lose trust in me if they knew what I’ve done. It’s so hard because i always worry that they’ll find out one day and hate me. I think about my mistakes everyday and sometimes it makes me so overwhelmed that I can’t focus on anything else.


This OCD subtype is the final boss of my OCD. It has been by far the hardest one to deal with. I will be diligent in ERP soon. One of the most frustrating things is how it convinces you it's not OCD.


Yep I’m going through this. There’s two childhood mistakes I made that I didn’t realize was as horrible. Now that I’m more consenting and know what’s right and wrong I can recognize that it’s sooo wrong. I recognize that it happened and I can’t change it but it also makes me fear my future. I get intrusive thoughts like “what if I do it again?” Knowing dang well I would never ever want to do that again. Another thought is “what if I’m really like that?” Ugh it sucks. I feel like i deserve no love at all for the things I committed as a child. Now I’m 17 and dealing with this. I hate myself so much. I’m tired I just want out now.


I wish I could give you a hug man, you’re doing great work !


Thank you so much for this! Real event OCD is what started it all and I was so fearful to seek help. It was so debilitating I wouldn’t allow myself to enjoy things like working out, flowers in certain colors, or certain foods, music, because it was all somehow “evidence” and triggers that I was a bad person. Sometimes I would even catch myself being happy and I felt so much guilt about it because I didn’t think I deserved to be any amount of happy. It’s so wonderful you have this video out here so maybe people can get help sooner.


I feel really bad about the things I did as a teenager. Some people say it was fine cause I was a stupid teenager, and didn't realize what I was doing, but I still feel awful about it and wish I never did it.


I've been through this, and it IS unbearable. I would say hellish. No escape and no exoneration. The awful thought that you will have to live with this guilt for the rest of your life. It is so important to be armed with the knowledge that this is OCD, not knowledge I always have had. I just didn't understand why this 'thing' was coming up again out of nowhere! Even when I subsequently realised I might have OCD, I didn't know about 'real event OCD'. This is so important to know. It is still OCD. In the depths of anxiety I did not know what to do, but spoke /confessed to my counsellor. At that time I didn't know I had OCD and he wasn't an OCD specialist but it helped me get through. In general, I think the delay tactic works for me. I try to say, 'I'm not sure if this is OCD or not, so I'm not going to think or do anything about it for at least a week. I'm not gpoing to do anything in response to my fear. If my fear goes and I can think clearly about it then I'll see'.

Thank you so much for this video. Knowledge is power.


real event ocd is taking over my mind :( thanks for your vid


Sending healing energy for everyone who’s gone/ going through this
