Baba Yaga Explained - Slavic Folklore

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Baba Yaga is one of the most terrifying tales in Slavic folklore designed to make children behave. Today we discuss the Witch of the Slavic woods who lives in a chicken leg hut.

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As a child with parents from the Soviet Union, I was told this story when I was a child. I was told that if I misbehaved, didn’t eat, or sleep on time, Baba Yaga would come in the middle of the night, take me to her house, and cook me in a stew. Then I was shown a cartoon of her and what she does and needless to say, I was a very obedient child.


When I was younger the story Baba Yaga was a way for parents to scare their children into eating, sleeping or behaving. I would often hear parents say "if you misbehave baba Yaga will come and take you to her house" or something similar Also there was a story about a girl who lived with her aunt and her aunt ran out of wool so she sent the young girl to Baba Yaga to get some wool. Her aunt gave her a flute (i think, I'm not quite sure because the story is very old) to calm down the winds, a comb to comb out the bushes and a ribbon to tie the trees, these were ways that Baba Yaga kept people away. I don't remember the rest but the story is very interesting


And this is what i was threatened with growing up in my Croatian home.... "if you don't eat all your food baby yaga will come for you"


I grew up in Poland and I would often hear stories about Baba Yaga. She was something that parents used to scare their children if we misbehaved. I used to live in an old ww2 house and we always got told baba yaga lived in our basement😂


I was adopted from Russia at 3 and in the Orphanage the “mamas” would tell the children that if we didn’t behave Baba Yaga would come inside the windows while we we asleep, take us, grind our bones into bread and eat us. I also have a Russian story book my parents bought in Moscow. It has a few stories of Baba Yaga in there that I haven’t seen on any videos yet. I wouldn’t mind sending you a full story for one of your videos.


The most dangerous Baba Yaga was named John Wick,


I've heard some fairytales about Baba Yaga when i was a kid, in majority of these she appears to be a violent and cruel creature. She especially hostile to younger women and children, being envy to their beauty and grace. Male visitors, however sometimes can earn her favor by entertaining her with their bravery or wit, accomplishing various tasks or straightforward laid with her. In this case she may support hero's case with wise advice, magic items or spell. In most sources she also keep various charmed animals as pet, preffering cats and crows. In general Baba Yaga portraited as eccentric and loony old woman posessed with powerful and vicious magic abilities and uncanny knowledge. She probably dosn't belong to a human kind, altrough she sometimes may act like one.


I remember this story ! This used to be a children's book back in the late 80's early 90's. I absolutely loved reading about witches, was very fascinated at a young age. Every story book had to be about witches because to me it made the story more appealing and interesting.


I grew up with tales of Baba Yaga, often referred to her as Babushka Baba Yaga for her grandmotherly appearance. I've been quite obsessed with her stories ever since I was young, and she has inspired a lot of my art. To me she has always been depicted as a chaotic neutral character, neither evil nor good, she does what pleases her and suits her own needs. But from my understanding she does have her own set of morals when considering if you are a good and virtuous person she certainly is more likely to help as long as you fulfill her tasks, but then again if you stray and are naughty it's unlikely you'll ever see your home again.
However, this was a first I've heard of the blue rose potion and would like to know more. Could you share your references please?


He was known as baba yaga...

The boogeyman?

Not necessarily the boogeyman...

John is the kind of man you send to kill the boogeyman...


The older I get, the more I relate to Baba Jaga. She just wants a peaceful life in the forest away from humans with a house that can move on command.


My mother always told me the Baba "Roga" as we call it in our region lives at the bottom of our well in the garden. And the story was quite efficient. She was afraid that id go near the well and fall in. I stayed away from the well ever since...


"Oh and Mr Wick, do enjoy your party."


That was great nicely done and informative relaxing . keep it up


Baba Yaga has been a favorite of mine since I was a very small child. We had a record player at the daycare I attended and a 45 with a scary story of Baba Yaga. I lovdd it! This channel is right up my alley because mythology is a love of mine for as long as I can remember.


My son was watching mashas spooky stories and i was intrigued and daunted. Thank u this was most insightful


My first exposure to Baba Yaga was in Bartok the Magnificent, a little known spin-off to the Don Bluth Anastasia movie. It's actually super entertaining. She's mostly a good guy in that movie, but the early parts of the movie really play her up as her bad self. Also there's a great song about her in the movie, simply named Baba Yaga, you should check that out at least.


I hear an' tell that Baba Yaga apparently dwells in the slums and darker areas of the Portland Oregon territory. Some of my former associates told me tales of an old woman who never lived in the same place longer than once and had unkempt nails, chicken feathers clinging to her clothing and apparently had teeth that looked like metal. The only time she was seen in public was after midnight in the Summer ages ago but this old biddy apparently vanished into the woods outside the city and doesn't like to be disturbed whence one goes looking for her.. love the videos my friend, exceptionally brilliant storytelling 😊😊 keep em coming! Hope my own addition might've been a helpful one!


Loved this story as a child, still fascinating


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