R-Ladies Freiburg, Sentiment Analysis with R (English)

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Can we distinguish Shakespeare's comedies from his tragedies by looking at their sentiment scores? How can we trace sentiment through chapters of a book, or lines of a play? What are frequent positive and negative words in reviews of this year's hit game Animal Crossing? Which emotions are expressed in Beyoncé's and Taylor Swift's song lyrics?
In this workshop, we use tidytext and sentimentr to answer these questions and more using R. Further, we show how to visualize commonly used positive and negative words in comparison (word) clouds and compare approaches that only look at single words to those that take into account phrases like "not good" or "barely enjoyable". The meetup starts with a quick review of basic text processing steps such as tokenizing and removing stop words, so no previous experience is necessary!
Please excuse the cuts based on internet connectivity problems, as this was a live event.
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