Six Common Pregnancy Mistakes

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Dr. Green delivered my third baby back in 2014 and I can honestly say, he’s the most knowledgeable and caring OB I have ever dealt with. I would put 100% trust in everything he says.


Omg pure back!! I’m watching this even though I’m not pregnant anymore (healthy 7mo baby girl) but your videos were so comforting and informative. Thanks for providing your sound medical advice for moms all over the world.


35 weeks pregnant with my first baby, due date for babyboy is 2/12/2019. He's yet to be head down, and just hope he does it on his own before they do it for him on Thursday and risk having a not wanted c-section. Anways, I've followed your videos weekly and they're very helpful and you're awesome 😊🖒 CONGRATS TO ANYONE ELSE EXPECTING! ⚘


I am 22 years old and pregnant with my first. Pre pregnancy I had a very bad eating disorder. I have weighed the same mh entire first trimester but now that my morning sickness and stuff is gone at 16 weeks I have been not holding back on food. I am worried my dr will say I’m gaining too much weight but my thing is if I have to restrict my eating I’m very unhealthy and I will go too far with the restricted eating. But if I gain a few extra pounds than what is deemed “alright” I’d rather be ok with just eating my hot Cheetos and growing my kid. Gosh I wish weight wasn’t such a topic. Especially to pregnant women. It’s us who has to lose the weight in the end so idk why there is such a emphasis on what we can and cannot gain


So refreshing to hear I can sleep on my back! My doctor said to never that it could cause stillbirth and to only sleep on my sides. I'm only comfortable on my back and forcing myself to sleep on my sides has caused such hip pain. I feel fine on my back and so much more comfortable and assumed the same, if it wasn't good for me then my body would let me know. Wish he was my doctor.


A new video!!! Whaaaat. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have been watching your videos my entire pregnancy. You have helped me so much, your videos are informative and almost every question I've had you answered.


I just found your channel and I’m so thankful. I’m 22 weeks and it’s so nice to have this advice and encouragement.


I was prescribed baby aspirin during my (current) pregnancy for some high blood pressure reads. I went to pick it up and the pharmacist freaked out that I was pregnant, she asked who gave me the prescription and then insisted I needed to watch out for bleeding. I had spent the whole first trimester obsessively checking for bleeding and was too scared to touch it. I waited for my monthly OB appointment and she emphasized how important it was how low of a dose it was it wouldn’t cause any problems. I’m so glad I finally took it, my BP has been perfect since.


I had my son 12/16/18 and watched your video weekly!!!’ Happy to see new video!


I was prescribed Levothyroxine (synthroid) bc my thyroid level was a tad bit off and my OBGYN said she aims for top notch levels. So reluctantly I took the medicine but went on and off it on my own. Unfortunately at 7 months I had side effects... very painful muscle cramps on my legs and arms and around my belly . It took a while for them to discover those painful symptoms were side effects. The OBGYN finally suspended levothyroxine at 8 months and I had no more pain. So I can’t help but be scared of taking medicine while pregnant.


I am 32 weeks and whenever I am dealing with too much worries or anxiety, I watch your videos and that makes me relaxed. Too many confusions and myths out there related to pregnancy specially in India and that makes pregnancy a really anxious period. Thank you for the advises and tips. I am sure many moms have been/will be benefiting from these points.


If avoiding sleeping on back doesn’t matter, why did Tommy’s in UK find that promoting side sleeping reduced still births significantly?


I wish the drs around here were like you. 😁❤


I'm suffering from hip pain because I am forcing myself to sleep on my left side. Glad to know I can sleep on my back now.


Thank you for explaining about position because I have been panicking whenever I find myself sleeping on my back


Oh how i missed your videos. Im 33 and two days pregnant.


I have a 2 month old premature baby went into labor at 34 weeks and 3 days


Is hair straightening safe during pregnancy? Thank you.


Is it safe to take tramadol for severe pain in the 1st and 2nd trimester, I've been taking them b4 pregnancy due to severe pain and past injuries


31 weeks and 6 days pregnant and high risk. my OB told me to sleep on my back
