Waning Immunity and the Booster Shot—September 22, 2021

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Data from Israel has suggested a waning in effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. What does this mean for us in the United States and around the world? Will you need a booster shot this fall and can we expect to need booster shots on an annual basis?

On September 22, 2021, Warner Greene and Melanie Ott answered these questions and more in our series COVID-19: Ask the Experts.

Gladstone scientists were instrumental in converting HIV/AIDS from a uniformly lethal disease into a chronic condition, and they’ve brought the same urgency and focus to combatting COVID-19. COVID-19: Ask the Experts provides the public with a forum to ask Gladstone virologists questions about SARS-CoV-2, the state of the pandemic, and what the future will look like.
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