Vaccines, third doses required

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United States, White House team, Boosters start September

(FDA depending)

Eight months after Pfizer or Moderna

Same brand

News on second dose of J and J in the next few weeks

Mr. Greg Abbott in Texas

Tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday

Is in good health and experiencing no symptoms

Mr. Abbott was vaccinated in December

All close contacts being notified

May not always have been wearing a mask recently

Seven million who are immunocompromised

Booster roll out started in Detroit yesterday


Cases, + 121,427 in past 7 days

Hospital admissions, x 3 in past 7 days

Predictive indicators seem to have changed

Data from Israel Health Ministry

N = 2.5 million (16 and over)

Second dose administered within the 21 to 28 day interval set by national guidelines

A significant drop in protection against hospitalization among people age 65 and older

Who were vaccinated in January and February

Delta (B.1.617.2) variant became the dominant strain in Israel in June 2021

Israel is currently experiencing a new surge of cases

The correlation between antibody dynamics and clinical protection remains undefined

Correlation between time-from-vaccine and incidence of breakthrough infection

We found that the risk for infection was significantly higher for early vaccinees compared to those vaccinated later

Model 1

We matched 329,177 persons in each group

1,911 cases of breakthrough infection were recorded

1,151 of them in the Early Vaccinees group

760 in the Late Vaccinees group

We found a statistically significant 53% increased risk for breakthrough infection in early vaccines (P less than 0.001)

We found a similar trend across all age groups

Model 2

Individuals who were vaccinated in January 2021

Had a 2.26-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection

Compared to individuals who were vaccinated in April 2021

Israel has already started beginning giving booster shots to people older than 50.

Data on all symptomatic sequenced cases of Covid-19 in England

Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant

After one dose of Pfizer or AZ, delta efficacy = 31%

After one dose of Pfizer or AZ, alpha efficacy = 49%

After two dose of Pfizer, alpha efficacy = 94%

After two dose of Pfizer, delta efficacy = 88%

After two dose of AZ, alpha efficacy = 75%

After two dose of AZ, delta efficacy = 67%

Data from Qatar

BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant in Qatar

Effectiveness against any severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 disease due to delta was 89.7%

Both BNT162b2 (Pfizer) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) are highly effective in preventing Delta hospitalization and death, but less so in preventing infection

(Moderna may protect against symptomatic infection more than Pfizer)

Paul A. Offit, pediatrician and vaccine expert at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

We could have done a much better job at setting realistic expectations for this vaccine

And I think that’s hurt us.

Because I think people get disappointed.

They think the vaccine isn’t working.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Leaked PP)

July 29, 35,000 breakthrough infections a week

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

Statement that 97 % of people hospitalized by the virus are unvaccinated

Data was out of date

CDC said Friday

40 to 44% of patients hospitalized with breakthrough infections have compromised immune systems

Heather Scobie, member of the CDC’s Covid-19 Response Team

Delta has high prevalence in the U.S. and has moderate impact on vaccine effectiveness.

The vaccines are likely to still provide protection against severe disease

the potential for waning immunity

Canada, Qatar, Israel, England, Scotland

Vaccine effectiveness at preventing infection ranged 40% to 80%

Effectiveness against severe illness, 90% percent for vaccine recipients overall

(Differences in methodology)

Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

Breakthrough infections were expected

The goal of the vaccines was to make breakthrough infections clinically inconsequential and that’s what they’re doing
Рекомендации по теме

what will "fully vaccinated" mean now? will triple vaccinated discriminate against double vaccinated? will there now be like 4 tier society? (elites, triple vaccinated, double vaccinated, unvaccinated).


Look forward to hearing CNN blaming the people who "only" had two shots 😆


The goal posts keep shifting. At first it was isolate to flatten the curve (prolong the infections, in reality). Then, get vaccinated to be immune. Then, get vaccinated to reduce the symptoms of disease. My lack of faith in our incorporated governments has surely been eroded to a point of absolute cynicism.


Never ask a barber if you need a haircut…


John Campbell yesterday. This is the Pandemic of the unvaccinated. Time to apologize for stigmatising those people. Thanks


16:27, since the CDC doesn’t want to update the ratios of unvaccinated at the hospital, I HIGHLY doubt that the new number is 95% as Dr. Campbell is implying.


Early vaccines, late vaccines, time between vaccines, waning vaccines, one-shot, two-shot, booster vaccines and vaccinated infections. This data seems all over map. Variants are understood, but can you see why suspect people are having trouble taking a shot? Vaccines taken years ago, in childhood, still good. Chickenpox rarely comes back. Flu vaccine about 40% effective each year. These look like educated shots in the dark at best.


“The definition of insanity is doing the same experiment over and over again and expecting different results.” albert Einstein


It seems like at this point if it’s really as safe as they say that it is, they should remove some of the liability waivers. So that way, if something does happen to someone because of these mandates they can still feed their family. I don’t understand why it’s an issue if they really are completely safe as our governor of Washington just stated.


Its been obvious for at least the last two months, that the effectiveness of the vaccines wanes after 6 months. We do not yet know if the UK has better immunity due to a longer time interval in shots, at the moment this is just wishful thinking. There has been way too much wishful thinking in this whole episode, and way too much censorship of valid discussion.


I would recommend to stop looking what USA is doing, the capture of our regulatory and governmental organs by pharma is complete. Our country has Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome at this point.


So if two doses didn't work, what makes you think that a third dose is going to work?


Einstein’s definition of insanity: repeating the same old mistakes over and over again.


If you get on the Vacine Carousel, You'll never be able to get off


What about those who have suffered severe side effects from the jab? Will they be receiving the booster? Will those who decline the booster be ostracized?


My parents, who are in their mid 80’s, NEVER took a flu vaccine. If they got a cold or flu, they ALWAYS took care of themselves and got better at home. My Aunt, just a few years younger, ALWAYS took a flu vaccine, every year, and she ALWAYS got a bad flu, every year. My parents, who were exposed to Covid from my sister, didn’t even get sick. My Aunt, who caught Covid from her kids or grandkids, died. I think natural immunity and eating right is the key.


These were all expected from the beginning, people's stupidity still amazes me!


The funny thing about this all is they like to say " we don't know how long natural immunity last" as if they were certain vaccine immunity was long term. Let's see the data of hospitalization cases of those who have natural immunity. Guys I am in favor of natural immunity. This was a challenge to the detractors. Sorry for the confusion


Why wouldn't we do a test on immunity markers before giving people another boost to their immune system? The side effects get higher the more previous immunity you have. The people that die in the hospital are to a large degree people die to a large degree due to an immune system gone crazy (Cytokine storm )


If you need the 3rd shoot, it means the first 2 didn't work.
If the first 2 shots didn't work, what makes you think the 3rd it will work?
Who decided, based on what study that everybody need the 3rd shot without even making an immune test?
