India U.S. Relation | EAM S Jaishankar Hailed India's Relations With The United States | N18V

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India U.S. Relation | EAM S Jaishankar Hailed India's Relations With The United States | N18V

Perhaps for the first time for an Indian policymaker, the US is India's “optimal choice" as a partner, the Indian foreign minister said during a conversation with former US ambassador to India Kenneth Juster at the Council of Foreign Relations.

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Every morning I pray for total end of Anglosaxion relation with India. We are actually still subjugated to them. We remain weak and ruled by the same colonial state machinery. Constitution, vote are to fool us. We have exactly same colonial education, language, police, judiciary, burocrates, plundering of public money, minerals even skilled personnel. Need total freedom. Be strong, stop taking order from USA. Why do we have to lick their boots. Why we can not have selfpride? Indians abroad are successful but have no pride.


Mr. S. Jaishankar's speech, was impeccable, and flawless. He has also learnt the methodology to " connect " with his audience, from his mentor, Mr. Modi..!!


But can we trust the America, this is my belief that we can not truest America, you seen it recently when America needs us then we are partners, otherwise they are friends


A warm and generous recognition of India-U.S. ties, by the very dynamic and articulate Indian External Affairs Minister, Mr. S. Jaishankar. As he mentioned, the recent success of the G20 summit is an example of the growing India-U.S. ties and the level of trust between the two countries, that is built on the foundation of strong people-to-people bonds.There are times when this relationship is tested, as happened recently with Trudeau's bizarre accusation against India, when the U.S. had to maneuver between supporting a neighbor like Canada and an important strategic partner like India. It appears that the Biden administration has prioritized its ties with India, despite the repeated attempts by Trudeau to garner support from the so-called "Anglo-Saxon 5-Eyes" for his unsubstantiated accusation. In reality, there is really very little in terms of a common "Anglo-Saxon" connection between the leaders of this group: Biden is of Irish heritage, Sunak is of Indian origin, Albanese doesnt seem to have an Anglo Saxon name, and neither does Trudeau, himself. If it's really an anglophone alliance, then India belongs in that too.


Excellent Sir.
We see a stark contrast between 2 diplomats turning into politicians.
Hamid Ansari was a communal and undermined India whereas S Jaishankar is a true Indian ambassador making the country proud and strong.
Salute to our foreign minister.
