James Jones: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

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This is an excellent sourced information.


I’m so disgusted. It’s unthinkable that this level of cruelty was worn like a badge of honor by these medical leaders.


The problem that I have with the answer to the last question is that although you feel the way to gain trust in poor people is to simply build a health system to take care of them. The problem that I HAVE with that simply poses the question of, “yeah, but for how long?”
That is a question of SKEPTICISM.
Why do I ask that question?
Imagine, the Tuskegee syphilis experiment was actually based off the TRUST of people that they thought were treating them for whatever they thought was wrong with them, not even knowing that it was actually syphillis.
So with that being said, while it is all well and good that you can get these “low hanging fruit” to trust doctors again,
“Yeah, but for how long?” Before that trust is destroyed AGAIN by ANOTHER Tuskegee style experiment being done under our noses again?


Don't blame that nurse but all the Satan worshippers. God bless
