Why Cars Can Go Speeds They Can’t Legally Hit - Cheddar Explains

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All around the world, speed limits are placed on public roads to promote car safety and save lives. In that same world, car manufacturers have continued to look for ways to build faster and faster cars. Despite the dangers of speeding, many drivers are guilty of pushing the pedal from time to time. With cars being such a prevalent culture in everyday life, especially in the US, it’s worth wondering what it would take for car companies to once and for all settle the argument of safety versus freedom.

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In Germany, if the authorities notice a significant number of accidents on a certain portion of roadway, they call in an engineer to fix the problem. They redesign the curve, they re-grade the road, whatever it takes.

In the US, if the authorities notice a significant number of accidents on a certain portion of roadway, they start issuing lots of traffic tickets on that portion of the road, and it becomes a steady source of revenue for the city.


“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.”
- Jeremy Clarkson


This was the longest and most elaborate way of saying "Because people like it when cars are fast" I've ever seen


I once had to outrun a tornado on the interstate in texas. Both the cop next to me and I were going 130+ - it was heading right toward us and we were able to cut in front of it. If the car had a speed regulator I’d be dead.


High speeds on dry highways with attentive drivers are not anywhere near as dangerous as medium speeds and distracted drivers.


Speeding is dangerous in the US because of the lack of driver's discipline, which I've mentioned several times in my videos. The Autobahns in Germany have LESS deaths per mile/km even with unrestricted speeds on many parts of the autobahns. We don't need speed limiters, we need better driver discipline


I can't believe no one mentioned this, but there are also hills and mountains you drive up and down on. Engines need to be capable of giving you the power to traverse them. And then also you don't want that to be maxing out your engine when you do go on those trips. That leaves you a lot of extra power to work with in more flat terrains.


German here, I went to the Hanover airport yesterday by driving the A2. It was early so I could set the cruise control to 130mph and do 200 miles in 2 hours.


The "Autobahn" isn't just "a stretch of road". It's a huge network of roads going all over Germany. You'll drive on the Autobahn pretty much every time you travel between cities. Also, many parts of it do have speedlimits (sometimes also electronically regulated depending on traffic and conditions). But most of it indeed doesn't have a speedlimit.

And also, I'd hope and am pretty sure that every car's speedometer shows a much higher maximum speed than what the car is actually capable of (unless it's modded of course). After all, you really don't want to hit the max and suddenly be unable to know whether you're getting faster or slower or how fast you're actually driving.


Calling the Autobahn a stretch of road is just wrong my friend. It's our equivalent to the US interstate system. Funny thing is even without speed limit, our highways are safer vs the ones in neighboring countries.


"why would I ever have to go that fast" to catch up to the person who hit you and ran


Next you should do a video exploring why the US has been reluctant to improve driver training. Most people know little to nothing about traction, car control, braking, and driving techniques taught in performance driving schools throughout the country. My friend in Florida got his drivers license in a parking lot, and people wonder why car insurance rates are so high there. Meanwhile finland is steady producing road racing champions having far better road safety per capita.


Before even watching, I'm going to hope the answer is: Gearing and Fuel Efficiency. That's why Overdrive Gears exist.
We don't actually expect people to hit Max Speed on Commutes, but as long as cars are "geared to go fast" they can then just sit in a Higher gear while going slower which gets Better MPG. That's all there is to it. It was a Science/Engineering Reason.


Tailgating at 70 mph it is far more dangerous than going at 100 mph on a open road.

Speed, in the abstract, it's just an easy value to instill fear and monetize tickets.


In Texas every speed is legal unless its school zone, construction zone, or there are cops nearby😂


There are moments where you might need to drive fast. Happens very rarely but they do happen.


Short answer:
1. Car top speeds are determined by their highest gear.
2. A car is most efficient on its highest gear at the lowest rpm.
3. Cars still need the rpm range to rev up and shift gears.
4. Therefore, for cars to be efficient, car companies can't limit gears. And for cars to be able to achieve a wide range of speeds, they can't limit rpm.
5. Well what about electronic limiters? Yeah, you can limit them then. But who's gonna pay more for less ability? Not the government and definitely not a consumer.


Most modern cars already have speed limiters/governors in place; granted, they're usually there to keep the tires or the driveline below their failure points, but they're there nonetheless.


I got a speeding ticket for going 80~85 on a bright clear day in the left most lane at or within 10 miles if the cars around me. Best to say I was mad as hell. I was cruising safely and ticketed when the speed limit was 65 but I gaurantee the car in front of me was doing 80. Wish limits were 75~80 in highways. Just makes sense to me. If u want to go slow move right and vice versa . . . . .


Went on that 85 mph stretch in west Texas. Even in the 80 mph zone, people were easily pushing 100. You hit that 85 and you’re going 110 easy
