Is success really worth it?

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"Can't you be satisfied with what you have?" is something i've been asked countless times by people in my life over the years...

Hey guys, here's something I've not really talked about before... I recorded this one myself, no Chudders in the room and no fancy edits.

Is success really worth? Being an entrepreneur and business owner definitely is all it's cracked up to be. But if it's who you are and it's weaved into you DNA as I like to say it, then you just can't ignore it.

From all the successful people I've met in my life it's very obvious that money is NOT the driving force. Once you reach a point in your life where you're not concerned where the next £20 is coming from then why carry on? Because they feed on building, creating and manifesting opportunities in their life. These people just can't sit still.

I've constantly been asked by the people around me, relationships, family and friends; "Why do you keep going?" "Can't you be satisfied with what you have?" I've been thinking about this more and more recently and perhaps I won't ever be satisfied... but that's something we entrepreneurs and business owners will just have to deal with ourselves.

Why have I made this video? Because I don't want people to put business owners on a pedestal. Being an entrepreneur takes more work than you might think. Being a strong number 2, 3 or 15 in the business might provide you happier life. We all want different things and that's fine.

If you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below and I'll do my best to get back to you!


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If you’ve listened to one of my many podcasts or watched one of my videos you’ll be familiar with my passion to help business owners overcome some of their pain points.

Throughout my business journey I’ve met and helped countless entrepreneurs who:

- Don’t have time
- Don’t make the money they want to
- Dream of but don’t have a clear exit plan
- Struggle getting new customers into their business
- Are stuck in operations; running the business, not building it
- Continually fighting battle after battle

If this sounds familiar and you’re looking for help then these videos act as a helping hand.

I’m on a mission to help business owners change, from surviving to thriving, using all the experience, learnings, mistakes made and successes that have led me to my current businesses turning over £12 million and employing 400 staff.

At heart, I’m an entertainer who’s passionate about helping business owners. I speak at business conferences around the country and have set up a seminar business, teaching business owners and entrepreneurs how to Soar To Success.

I also love teaching people how to get more customers, how to keep them and at the same time build a business that literally works without them in it.

So if you’d like to build a business that gets more customers, makes more money and generates regular income then make sure you subscribe to my channel today.

Want to know more? Visit my website ►

#success #happiness #business
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Superb video James, totally on point - top man for being so honest and real.

This is something I struggle with all the time, the downside of ambition that no one gets to see.

Why am I never content with my achievements? Why can I not take a moment to “smell the roses” and enjoy the success that’s come from all the hard graft to date? Why do I find it so hard to be “in the room” with my family when I am trying to switch out of business mode and into “Dad” mode??

And the big one - will I ever be able to to find solutions to all this?!

As entrepreneurs we get put on a pedestal, but I often really envy the bloke on the street that is just happy and fulfilled with his lot.


“[True] righteousness is [in] one who believes in God, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives of their wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes Prayer and practices regular charity…” [Quran 2:177]

The best feeling i get when i give in Charity from my earnings and the smile or a tears i see in the most needy person.


I identify with this 100% . I just can't turn it off.


I sometimes feel like my biggest downfall is wanting to be successful. Over the last seven years I’ve put so much effort into becoming successful and I have paid the price.

Understanding balance for me is the most important aspect and something I’m trying very hard to work out.

I just love business, I love watching a new shop open and do what is set out to do.

Excellent video And the content keep going love it


In a way this is the best video you have done. For yourself.


The hardest thing for me is balancing my drive, passion and energy with a need to still be a good husband and father. I don’t want to feel that I am selfish even though I probably am as I chase the goals.


Its a bit like being a drug addict. The first sale you make is euphoric. The 10th sale barely breaks a smile. The more you do, the further the horizon gets from you. You get to the top of the hill only to see a taller summit further on. I think the way to do it is what Felix Dennis says, make enough money to live comfortably and then retire to indulge in your hobby etc and find passion from the simple things knowing you did it.


Thats a beautiful heartfelt video James...I understand totally, as Elvis said "its just the way it is"....I feel this was your best ever video and to tune in to your inner wavelength was a lovely feeling... for many entrepreneurs its just about money and success, for others its about the "blue ray spiritual soul" in some of us. ( You probably like the colour blue?) . Unfulfillment, and proving ourselves as worthy to our loved ones past or present. also acts as a huge drive I feel to the sensitive souls such as yourself....its not a curse, its who you are and the need for respect and praise and worthiness...a bit deep that . but what other way would i talk to you then from my soul to yours . keep the faith and keep being brilliant Sir James of Jimboland :-) . best wishes and love and light to you and all your family Peter x


James loving the content ! Only just discovered you and gradually working my way through your videos 👍🏻 what two books would you gift to an entrepreneur?


Is success a curse? That's society led thinking..."Don't get above your station." keep in line, etc, etc...Guilt! For sure it's hard but it's a chosen path. One should have pride in their achievements and belief in their journey to do good with their success. Scarcity or abundance, most choose scarcity think, society requires it to keep people in line. Regarding ego's it's my understanding it shouldn't be about you but what you achieve like in business not you but the customer, it's only you when you're gone...your legacy. It is said if you're standing still, you're going backwards. Every living organism on this planet requires a success formular otherwise they die, become extinct, so of us that strive for success we should be proud of our undertaking and the positive outcomes we can create. Success isn't just about money and haves but something bigger if you're doing it right...making other peoples lives better! We can all loose sight of our 'meaning' at times and in short "WTF!" can creep in, just need to refresh, some quality R&R. Entrepreneurs are creators, disruptors in a world that doesn't make it easy... that's why we do it! Unsatsified or happy and always striving to improve...that's never a bad thing.
