Three Nights In the Bush ( The good, the bad and the ugly. (Part 1)

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Annual Winter Relay Bushcamp

An Annual Winter Relay crossover hiking bushcamp with your Travel Mate. There is only one rule, don't tap out before the tap out point.

On this day we traveled +-14 kms to Wonderwoud camping site inside the Wolkberg Nature Reserve in Magoebaskloof / Haernetsburg Area.

Mashudu Ramudzuli also known as the Travel Mate leads the trail walking with an experienced Nature Guide - Johannes Lekau Phoshoko and John Mabuela who is also a keen hiker.

The hike is intentionally named the "Winter Relay" because there is quite a number of start/proceed points for the trail, the only difference is that you don't pass the button, instead you join other hikers who started from other points and walk as one tiwards the finish.

The team of Three left the starting point at the reception of Wolkberg Nature Reserve at 08:30am on the 16 - 19 June 2022.

The team enjoyed every moment from the beginning of the trail. They enjoyed seeing the beautiful landscapes and crossed cold winter streams whilst having fun. They swem, joked about this and that along the way. The best way to switch off from the City madness, to relax, train one's body, mind and Soul for the harshness of the stressful life in the city.

The trail on the first day (part 1) was good, moderate and enjoyable.

The best of the tough terrain was yet to come on the 2nd day.
The trial that will break team members physically and emotionally to rebuild their confidence once they reach their ultimate goal- Reach The Top of the Devil's Knuckles. Look out for part 2

Don't forget to subscribe and also to follow Mashudu Ramudzuli or the Travel Mate on all the social media platforms.

#livealittle #UltimateDestination
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