An Interview With: People with Gifted IQs

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This is the start of a new series on the channel called "An Interview With" in which I hope to talk to various populations of people to see their personal experiences and how those experiences shaped their identity and life. Today's topic is people with Gifted IQs.

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Great discussions, loved the thoughts on the communication gap hypothesis!


The dude with the mask sounds so much like my buddy Brett that I had to do a double take. It makes total sense that a high IQ alone isn’t valuable unless it’s combined with high levels of creativity and conscientiousness.


Fascinating to learn about high IQ societies and highly gifted people. Thanks for this, Chris!


When you have an IQ of 157 and still wear a mask in your own car


Small world, I’m actually friends with Ganzir.


Having a double digit IQ myself, I can say with absolute certainty that I am indeed gifted in stupid.


Ha! Around the 18 minute mark where you said people getting all angsty with their IQ if they are 110-120 but if they are closer to 100 they care less, I cracked right up because it’s right on for me. I’ve only had one IQ test and I was 12 but it was in that range. I have always felt I’m smart enough to know how smart I’m not. I have intellectual pursuits I can’t do because I struggle to use my brain the way I’d like. Pisses me off.


Christ, my connection near the end was even worse than I realized. I wonder what made it degrade.


The questions are smarter than the answers given.


I've gotten rid of that internal pressure to achieve at an outstanding level all the time, and it's such a liberation.


I was expecting robots but both guests seemed down to earth and relatable somehow. I always admired people with high-iq like they have superpowers. Enjoyed this segment. Thanks


Asperger's likely plays a massive role in the communications Gap from what I can tell as many with Asperger's also happen to be gifted from my experiences


Great conversations! More interviews with people who work in psychometrics would be interesting; about the mathematical models or algorithms they create or use, more specifically, but anything is appreciated!


Very interesting video, and I think this type of video was done the right way. I think this video gives a very new perspective on the subject of gifted IQs, and may help some people rethink their associations and assumptions connected to the subject of gifted IQs


25:32 I agree with this wholeheartedly already. We need to give IQ tests to very young children and place the gifted kids together very early on and have special classes for them just like we do with those who are on the lower end of the IQ distribution. High IQ children also have special needs. Plus, it is better for society as a whole that highly gifted kids advance faster in their education and are provided with the appropriate resources early on.

For instance, there may be kids who are ready to participate in Physics research at an early age. They should be able to quickly take all the necessary required classes and make their way to the lab ASAP (provided that this is their interest, of course)


I was invited on a couple of occasions to "lurk" at a Menza gathering. There were a lot of folks there who were "on the spectrum" and/or quite full of themselves. So, yeah, a group of self selected people who are socially Mal adapted.

I have met many high IQ folks who possess great social skills, zero autism and are a delight to be around. They are more than happy to share their insights.


This was very interesting, thanks for this Asura, its nice to have some breaks from mbti once in a while


So funny, they both came to the same conclusion independently: "necessary but not sufficient" (high IQ in relation to 'genius'). Dunning-Kruger effect at play here. I love the humility and transparent margin of error, e.g. "I could be wrong." Such a simple statement (from my perspective) but something many people neglect to do.

As a next group to interview, I think people with Aspergers or those on the autism spectrum would be interesting, and maybe people with different types of personality disorders. Mood disorders and other psychological conditions are interesting, but I figured personality disorders would be in keeping with the personality/identity focus of psychology you seem to be centered around.


I appreciated the second interview where the man felt open and honest and not hiding.


11:44 The communication gap is valid because our understanding of life is vastly different. If I ask for "another cup of tea, sir" then communication is not an issue, but life is generally more complex than this. We read situations differently.

Where I see an intelligent man another may see a fool because he himself is a fool and cannot recognize intelligence. Our insight depends on our place in things. And the gap between the wise and others is a gulf. This can be very lonely or disheartening. How do you get insight or wisdom across to another? It can't be done.

However this is more about degree of wisdom than intelligence, although intelligence plays into it as well.
