Mortgage Free Living | Our Story

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Hey there. This video is to give a brief synopsis on how and why my husband and I decided to keep our family mortgage free. I want to share a message of hope and encouragement for those of you who may be struggling or want to live against the grain of our modern American ways.

#mortgage #frugalliving #frugalmom #2020 #recession #budgetcooking #lowincome #daveramsey #daveramseybabysteps
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All my friends make 80k-100k, I have never made more than 45k in a year, and I’m the only one that’s paid off her student loans, purchased my car with cash, and has no debt🤷🏽‍♀️ took such inspiration from this video ❤


It took a long time for me to realize that the American Dream: large house, swimming pool, new, expensive cars is actually the American Nightmare.
I moved out of an expensive state with high cost of living to a low cost state, bought a small house for cash, and am now debt free. I am actually now considered low income but it doesn't seem like it. My quality of live has improved 100% and maintaining a simple lifestyle has been a blessing.


Wow! You and your husband are so ahead of the game!! I’m 52 so I can say as a mother that I’m so proud of you! More young adults need to hear this! Blessings😊


A before and after of your home and its improvements would be great. People seem to love those types of videos. Good for you both to be so young and have so much common sense and gratitude.


I've been thinking lately I'd love if the internet presented me with goodness instead of darkness. Then I came across your channel and it's a woman who is humble, intelligent and determined. Thanks for making a YouTube channel!


I did the same thing. My family thinks Im crazy, but if this pandemic has taught me anything, having the house, the city, the “inflated lifestyle” is not worth losing everything if something happens. It’s piece of mind that helps me sleep at night. You go girl!


Y’all did it. You unlocked the code. I’m as proud of you as I would be of my own children. May the Lord continue to bless your home with the truly rich things of life.❤


Retirement was a shock. My husband and I are both retired. We paid off our mortgage in 2008. We are being creative, gardening, home cooking and learning to do with much less. We both became followers of Jesus. We pray and we have grown as a couple (43 years). Things are good. You can do it too.


I’m a mother of 10 and my husband and I are mortgage free as well. God has been so good to us. We go through hard times but He always pulls us through.


Your story of sacrificing and sticking to your debt free decisions is wonderful! You will never regret it!
I’m 59 years old. I’ve been married to the same man for almost 41 years. We raised 9 children together. We homeschooled for many years.
Our first home was blackfelt on the outside for over a year until my husband sold a small boat to pay for the lumber to finish the outside.
Please make more videos and share any pictures of your little house.


I do not see you, as being poor, I see you as being rich! You cannot put a price on wisdom! When, and once you become rich, monetarily wise, even so, living the same way, you’re living now to put money in the bank. Plus your channel is making others rich, not only monetarily wise, but in the spirit and in wisdom, and they can take what you’re teaching, and share it with the next generation, this simple life is why we all need to get back to to save our families, our churches, our communities and our world. God is using you in a great and mighty way. Never consider yourself poor.😮❤🎉May Hid bless you and family in every way!!!


I love this!!!! We have a tiny lake house + our main home (and three little ones) and I’m talking my husband into selling our home and living in our paid for lake house. Mortgage free and living simple.


Well done! My husband and I managed to buy land, and built our own homestead with cash, and live 100% debt free, because we made the same vow to not go into debt. Some months were harder than others, but we learnt to be prudent with our finances.


My boyfriend and I live in my mother's basement in Connecticut. The housing here is ridiculously expensive. He has a decent job, but I'm unemployed and struggling to find work to pay off my student loans. I often wonder if we'll ever be able to get married, own a house, and have kids. It seems like a distant dream. Thank you for giving me a little bit of hope. ❤


You are a very captivating storyteller. Please make more videos! This really struck a chord with me, and I look forward to watching more.


I can't stop crying with all of the enlightenment you have brought me. My family is deeply Christian and live pretty modestly and I've just realized that I have some decisions to make. Thank you so much for sharing your story. May God bless you with so many years of love and endless blessings.


You and your husband are very wise for being so young. God bless you all - you have all the riches in life that really matter.


Well, you and your husband are very brave. It's not easy to go against what we have learned from the time we were born; "get a good job, a big house (with a mortgage to match), a nice car and you will be so happy! Nope. Happiness isn't based on material things or what you "have". True happiness comes from being together and sharing common goals. I'm 77, old enough to be your grandmother, and I know what you are doing is just perfect! Take care and Be Happy. Have faith in each other and above all else, never forget that love is what counts,


As I watch this video, I have tears of joy for you! We raised our kids on low income ways, and loved it! Small houses, big love and memories! I’m looking forward to watching your beautiful, joyful, God centered life grow as you have truly found the “American Dream” at a young age g age! God bless you sweet girl! ❤


So proud of you Laramie, you are a beautiful soul and wonderful wife and mum . So glad I found your videos ( quite by accident ). I was looking at cooking videos and your cooking / recipes videos came up . I have enjoyed watching them and your story and have subscribed to your channel 👍. I am going through a lot which I won’t share on here, but your words are inspirational and give me hope . Sending best wishes and love from Australia 🇦🇺 . Keep up the amazing work and thanks for sharing Xx
