Cheap vs Expensive Trekking Poles: Are They Worth It?

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Do cheap trekking poles work just as well as the expensive ones? Or are the pricey ones worth every penny? Spoiler: it depends.



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Trekking poles to check out
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I've owned a pair of Cascade Mountain Tech (your first link) for 5 years. They've proven to be a solid, dependable set of trekking poles. More money doesn't always mean better quality.


Shoot, I’ve hiked with old aluminum ski pole’s and they worked just fine… $5 at a used sporting goods store 🤷🏼‍♂️


Great video and I like your casual delivery on topics like this which ultimately boil down to budget, style, and preference.


Reasons I use poles:
Fording water, probing for holes and depth.
High elevation hiking with mild vertigo induced for steep exposed rocky trails.
To wave around at approaching wildlife.
To relieve pressure on knees and hips.
Less slipping on downhill gravel.
The fun of power walking and uphill walking movements as if cross country skiing.
Standing rest breaks.
Keeping balance when fatigued.
Knocking something out of tree branches.
Ability to kit a few items commando style within and without the hollow shaft.
Tape emergency bandana or some such to wave above head.
Emergency crutch. Aid to get up.


I recently ditched poles that cost money. Turns out the woods are full of trecking poles and there free. Not to mention you can customize them with a knife or file. You can also leave them in the woods for storage purposes. There is a variety of all weights and sizes for all body types, you can also tie on some Paracord for handle straps you in case your hand gets to weak to hold it just tie them to your wrist for the extra support. Another one of the best things about natures tracking polls if your in a pinch you have fire wood. Get yours now but only for a limited time.


It's almost like with anything, when you buy something expensive you are paying for the prestige of the brand and the advertising they spend on. You don't necessarily pay for something expensive because it means better quality.


I'm not quite sure how long I've been hiking/backpacking/climbing I do know I started sometime in the 1970's...I am 64 now and I joined REI in 1979. My point is I have never used trekking poles of any sort in my entire outdoor career. Never.

I only bought a pair when I decided to try snowshoeing (I still haven't used them yet). The odd thing is that the people who were my impetus for snowshoeing recommended AGAINST using poles when snowshoeing, and trust me, they know what they are talking about.

Before you spend any money on poles, make sure you have a few miles under your belt/hipbelt and know full well how it feels to hike with a hefty pack with no poles. Then start of with a borrowed pair if possible. If borrowing or renting isn't possible, then start with the least expensive pair you can find. I said "find, " not afford. After a dozen trips or so ask yourself honestly how much difference the poles make. Then take things from there.


Had a great pair of trekking poles. One of them literally folded in half descending a steep off trail gulley while backpacking in Trinity Alps.
Been using used ski poles ever since, not adjustable and not spring loaded but sturdy, cheap and...sturdy!


Thnaks you saved me money - I found a great pair of alu. trekking poles with cork for 40$ instead of some black diamond for 140$ - they even look very similar but the SIlva 40$ weigh a little less with 7075 alu., strong enought for me :)


Peax Sissy Stix is my choice. They come in three telescoping sections. The top two are carbon, the bottom, which is always the section that breaks, is aluminum. I don't know any other poles that are this well thought out. I just wish the handles were cork.


Thanks for this video. I've never used poles before, but recently messed up my ankle and I don't want to spoil a trip with my boy this summer to hike Mt Washington. I was thinking poles might be good insurance for me. Thx for the guidance on choosing some. I elected for cork handles per your suggestion.


After breaking a new pair of poles it seemed to me that the weak point of the pole was the adjustment section. Therefore can you buy Trekking Poles which do not adjust, but simply come in one piece?


Got cheap poles off Amazon. Carbon, flip locks, cork handles. Lighter than all the more expensive ones brands. Can't complain


I love my cheapo cascade poles they do a great job.


Just an aside, trekking poles are popular for slightly mobility impaired people, better than a cane and crutches are too much, my criteria leans to strength as I put a lot of weight on them.


You just saved me 200 dollars. I was going to replace my 10 year old 20 dollar pair.

Now what to spend 200 dollars on


I recently replaced cascade mountain tech poles with expensive leki poles mainly because time was an issue and the lekis were in town and available honestly I liked the cheap ones more the expensive ones have better straps and the quality of the cork feels better but the cheaper ones felt better in my hand I do believe you can replace the tips in the leki poles and not on the Cheaper ones however the cheap ones lasted 2 years and looked just fine

The aluminum ones I have now wobble more when they hit the ground but I think they would be less likely to snap sinking deep into the snow awkwardly when I try and catch myself

I used to use a thrift store ski pole years ago and just find a stick when I wanted to pitch my tarp in an a frame that worked great as well


My $20 pair of trek poles have been totally worth it. I use one as mobility aid on daily basis. Bad idea for anyone to attempt to steal and replace. Good day to arrest people! 😊


Why is the video blurred when you talk about/demonstrate(?) straps?
