7 heavens in Islam explained #shorts

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Imagine the highest level subhanallah, astagfirullah may Allah S.W.T protect the whole Umma that deserves it from Jahannam ❤


I used to make this mix-up also, Jannah I call it Paradise and Heaven is layers of creation


Alhamdulillah for Islam and Allah’s creations ❤


Thank you brother I’ve always got confused with the two


Samawat, the leayers of creation - which the science has now come to call 'dimensions'


My name is janah and I mean heaven and my twin sister name is jenan which means plural of heaven


The universe is so big that we can't even get out from milky way, but the universe is probably only a germs compared to the whole creation


If the first heaven is what we see in our universe, then when the prophet met Adam in the first heaven in the night journey did he meet him in our observable universe?


Bismelahi rahman rahim may allah grand us all forgifnes end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us good healt end a long life end good tidings in this world end they next end grand us all forgifnes end save us from all calamities end save ours beloved famelie end parents from they puneshment of they grave end puneshment of jehanam end grand us all gidens to be from they ouma of ours beloved profeth mohammed rasoel allah s.a.w ashoedna lahh ilaha illa allah mohammed rasoel allah s.a.w


Olso explain about hell
Each has layers 1 to 7
Similar to that of an oven where chicken and bread have different heating degrees 😮


In 71:15 Hazrat Nooh (AS) is asking his nation don’t they see how God has created seven skies. So I don’t think they are beyond our comprehension


I wanna fly in the space of seven heaven without using oxygen btw


In Hinduism too, there is an exactly same concept of 7 upper layers of creation and on the top most resides the creator brahma


What’s that other 6 heavens for is Allah mentioned about it in Quran? I know Jannah is last destination for all the Umah with good deeds but I never understood the rest 6 heavens.


*What is Islam?*
Islam is the name of the religion, or more properly the ‘way of life’, which God (Allah) has revealed and which was practiced by all of the Prophets and Messengers of God that He sent to mankind. Islam specifically means being in the state of submission to God, worshipping Him Alone, and reverently accepting and obeying His Law.

*Who are Muslims?*
The Arabic word “Muslim” literally means “someone who is in a state of Islam (submission to the will and law of God)”. The message of Islam is meant for the entire world, and anyone who accepts this message becomes a Muslim.

*Who is Allah?*
Often one hears the Arabic word “Allah” being used in discussions regarding Islam. The word “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God, and is the same word used by Arabic speaking Christians and Jews. As a matter of fact, the word Allah was in use far before the word God ever came into existence, since English is a relatively new language. If one were to pick up an Arabic translation of the Bible, one would see the word “Allah” being use where the word “God” is used in English. For instance, Arabic speaking Christians say that Jesus is, according to their canon belief, the Son of Allah. In addition, the Arabic word for Almighty God, “Allah”, is quite similar to the word for God in other Semitic languages.

*Who is Muhammad?*
The last and final prophet whom God sent to humanity was the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.

*What are the Teachings of Islam?*
The foundation of the Islamic faith is belief in absolute Monotheism (the Oneness of God). This means to believe that there is only one Creator and Sustainer of everything in the Universe, and that nothing is divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Him.

*What is the Quran?*
The Quran is the final revelation of Allah to all of mankind, which was spoken by Allah the Exalted Himself and conveyed through the Arch-Angel Gabriel in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad, in sound, word and meaning.

*What does Islam say about Jesus?*

The Islamic belief about Jesus demystifies for us who the real Jesus was. Jesus in Islam was an extraordinary individual, chosen by God as a Prophet and sent to the Jewish people. He never preached that he himself was God or the actual son of God. He was miraculously born without a father, and he performed many amazing miracles such as healing the blind and the lepers and raising the dead – all by God’s permission. Muslims believe that Jesus will return before the day of Judgement to bring justice and peace to the world. This Islamic belief about Jesus is similar to the belief of some of the early Christians.


Finally everyone is going to believe what's the truth.. ❤ ISLAM


This is something in the Quran that is unspecific ( مُتَشٰبِهٰتٌ‌ؕ) and it is something that only Allah AZWJ knows the true meaning of and the Quran states in 3:7 that 'those in whose hearts is deviation will follow that which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking interpretation (suitable to them) and no one knows it's interpretation exept Allah. But those who are firm in knowlege say "we believe it. All is from our lord"' and an example of the people that Allah AZWJ is talking about is apostate prophet (Apuss) where he makes videos talking about that which is unspecific and gives it the meaning that he wants just so he can say that the Quran isn't from Allah AZWJ when the true meaning is unclear and impossible to know.

And the example of Apuss is a sign of Allah for he is being described so well in the Quran
الله اكير❤❤


So quran gets updated with latest discovery


Not necessarily layers. But different universes with their own laws.

[41:12] Thus, He completed the seven universes in two days, and set up the laws for every universe. And we adorned the lowest universe with lamps, and placed guards around it. Such is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient.

The lowest universe which is ours cannot stand the physical presence of God, this is why God uses "we" meaning the angels helped in building our universe by God's leave.


The 7 heavens talked about aren't paradise they are the levels of the sky with the 1st sky being the one in our world(the universe) that we see. Paradise is also structured into levels too just not the ones mentioned in this video just like how hell has levels. Hope it was clear and helpful.
