This Notebook Transformed My Schedule

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The Bullet Journal... vs. the Digital Calendar. Which is better? Can one replace the other? Find out.

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When I start my monthly log I usually write all my planned events and deadlines in pencil. Then as the month happens, I erase my pencil and use a pen to write a quick one-line summary of each day, so I can see what actually happened :)


this is something i found hard to understand at the beginning, becasue of ppl doing all this ellaborate bujo's drawing ahead, after i understood that bujo serves as tracking besides planning, i was mind blown xD thanks to youtubers like Simie hiriarte, i decided to try a bujo for the first time (and i'm binge watching your videos). This video is really helpful and to the point, hope more ppl get to understand the real purpose of bujo


I feel that digital calendars are great for day to day scheduling. But when I want a bird eye view of say, a quarter, not so much. I do four vertical timelines across a spread. Here I can get a perspective on bigger events and deadlines. This helps me decide whether to plan something for instance in a weekend. I can immediately see: “Oh. This month is really getting quite crammed already. Better leave some slack in the schedule.”


I too find my digital calendar and bullet journal work hand in hand; and I have made the transition to reflection in my bullet journal for some time now, from these videos. My digital calendar has all my events and want to do, need to do tasks… but my bullet journal has what I actually did do and achieved plus thoughts and feelings and ideas and notes… I’ve also found, the more you reflect per week, month, year, the better you get at useful information in daily logs - also in digital calendars - in order to be able to backfill and track progress. When I had to collect data for a health event, or recollect notes taken from phone calls and specialist appointments, it was my series of bullet journals from over the last several years that came to my rescue.


@bulletjournal I have a content request: I would love a Coffee With Ryder video. 6-8 minutes maybe, where Ryder sits down with his coffee and BuJo, no words, just him writing in his BuJo, doing his morning reflection, writing his lists or whatever. We don't even need to see what he's writing. Maybe he smiles at the camera a couple of times to engage. As I was pouring my coffee this morning I thought how nice it would be just to quietly hang out with Ryder and bujo over coffee. Just a suggestion, but I know I would watch that video over and over.


Just Genius! every time I watch I learn something to assist in simplifying my life and reducing the anxiety and stress of everyday. Thank you


The main thing I use my digital calendar for is essentially texting my future self. Mine is private - other people can't put things on it, but I lose track of what year it is. Without a smartphone with a digital calendar, I would never make it to things like dentist appointments. That's a the edge a digital calendar has for me: making my phone ding at me when it's time for things, because I lack an internal sense of time. Most people seem to just be able to remember this stuff, but I just don't.

A paper notebook helps compensate for my sense of time by letting me see how long ago things happened. A digital calendar helps compensate for my sense of time by having alerts to remind me when important things are coming soon. The number of times I had to call a doctor's office to tell them I'm sorry I can't make it to my appointment that started 10 minutes ago while in my bedroom not even showered (let alone dressed) before I made it a rule that all of those go on my gCal.... well it was expensive & demoralizing to say the least.

I agree with this video: digital is great for future, because digital is malleable enough for the uncertainty of the future. While paper isn't, neither is the past.


@Bullet Journal, have you thought about doing an episode about bullet journaling on e-ink devices? This space has so little on the topic and I think there is so much potential for bridging the gap between digital and analog, devices like remarkable, supernote, onyx boox all have so much potential for bridging this gap between digital and analog.


I think both have their strengths and weaknesses, which is why I use both 😂. Digital is for my future self and for things that will happen in a very very long time. I also like to use the ability to use reminders for what’s very important. For day to day (or week to week) I prefer analog


I've been bullet journaling for years, I don't even check my digital calendar it all goes into my notebook daily to do and timeblocks (which I check all the time!) I do like my journal looking nice but I also don't wanna spend hours drawing in it so over time I've developed a minimalist way of making it pretty, it takes me maybe an hour a month to set up and then I'm done.


Winning combo: Bullet journal and friction pens (legami for extra happiness). It allows you to move items in your handwritten calendar.

Sidenote: I do draw out a calendar, but mostly because I find it calming. And I only use it to sketch out the big foreseeable energy suckers (like a business trip or project deadlines).


What did it for me was trying to go back to figure out when I last did a medical screening appointment so I could reschedule it in the future. My digital calendar deletes everything after about 3 months. You lose history. It’s only for future/present time reminders in the short term.


This video is great. Also, I bought your book and it’s excellent. Going back to analog with only some pieces of my personal management process being digital has been helpful.


Insightful. And I wasn't expecting this kind of advice to come from a young Christopher Walken either.


Yes! I always struggled with this! Now I use Planbella Planner App as my digital bullet journal. It combines both - I love it.


It is about use not one or other, it is about use wisely both of them.


im stuck on "Carlie Ended things today"
but 100% bujo and digital used at the same time!


I know this will sound like I’m dissing on you, but I mean this as a compliment…

You hair style makes you look so much like Christopher Walken that I started hearing you in his voice. The video became more impactful as I thought back on what you said in his voice.

I needed this video because I despise, no, I loathe, actually I *hate* writing things down because change sets my OCD off into a tailspin. I have in the past, when more than one thing changed, ripped a page out of a notebook and started over.

And trying to go all digital is a time sink that sucks the life out of my day. Thank you for this perspective on merging the two while keeping them to separate tasks and purposes.


I just use my calender, why write it down twice when you can write it down once.

I’m running a creative consultancy, I haven’t got time doing the same thing multiple times.

My calender works perfect for me and my business, it’s my to do list as well - really simple, just works and doesn’t take up physical space and costs nothing.

No brainier for most people.


I can still create a calendar, and just use a pencil, erase anything I need to shift
