Mothership Landed: Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson corrects room temperature superconductor history

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Hi Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson: I thought you would be interested in this new claim.
drew hempel
"I checked the paper out again and found that this: ‘Josephson installed a thin insulator between superconductors and discovered tunneling through
which current flows’ is erroneous history. That is a theoretical paper only, predicting that this would happen. And the attempts by John Adkins and myself to observe it failed because we used aluminium for the junctions, which had too high a resistance so the effect was wiped out by thermal noise. Confirmation by Rowell and Anderson was only 9 months later."
And what about their successor paper
"This by the way is a still more crucial day for mankind, when a confirmatory test it being carried out on an ‘energy cell’ that may replace fossil fuels and more.

Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
Tel. +44(0)1223 337260
On my noncommutativity approach see my latest blogpost
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I was investigated by some private consulting firm - and so I was included in a report on EcoTerrorists as one of 12 top "eco-terrorist" suspects - back 20 years ago!! I did get arrested 8 times and I did a ton of activism but the main evidence against me was that I was a "multisector" and "habitual" activist. So yes this trend of labeling nonviolent activism as "eco-terrorism" is not new at all. Why are environmentalists targeted so much? In other countries environmentalists are just murdered, etc. And of course this is because modern industrial civilization is based on patriarchy ever since agriculture developed with the plow. This is now proven in DNA science - the patrilineal dominance took over around the world from agriculture - why? Hoarding of food as wealth, dominance of strength-based technology, etc.
So the greatest activist is Mother Nature - Mother Nature is taking revenge against civilization. If anyone tries to protest against civilization - the naysayers immediately point out the hypocrisy of an activist - using a tent made from petroleum products or using a computer and the internet - on and on - throwing Paint in the Walton Walmart superyacht - how dare the environmentalists pollute with paint! So there is no escape from the "double bind" of civilization except from Mother Nature herself unleashing the ESAS "abrupt eruption" of methane, etc.
As Rose Abramoff points out so well - how do we not know that the Arctic ice caps are already locked in to being melted? In fact the so-called "1.5" temperature is based on assumptions that coverup the true impact of Western development. The Ice Core studies showed that 1750 is when human-caused global warming kicked in at a noticeable level from deforestation mainly. "In other words, when using 1900 as the baseline (instead of 1951–1980), it makes sense to adjust data by 0.28°C, as in the image below." - that's Sam Carana from "arctic-news" blogspot but her claim is corroborated in recently published research in the journal Nature. Revisiting the Holocene global temperature conundrum
February 2023 Nature
."a small (0.25 °C) but notable warming from 7 ka until the twentieth century11"
Sam Carana again: "the difference between February 2020 versus 1951-1980 and February 2020 versus 1885-1915 is 0.28°C....When the baseline is changed from 1951–1980 to 1750, the necessary adjustment could therefore add up to (0.28°C + 0.3°C =) 0.58°C. "
So basically another half degree increase has already happened but is not being acknowledged by the models. "Temperatures have risen more in the Arctic than in the rest of the world, so it's important that especially Arctic temperatures are included in the global temperature rise.
Compensating for omissions by using higher polar anomalies thus may make sense.
For more on this, also see this 2019 study that concludes that missing data have been responsible for an underestimation of global warming by 0.1°C."
"NASA data show that the February temperature anomaly was 1.26°C above 1951–1980. Accordingly, the February temperature anomaly was 2.04°C above pre-industrial. So, we did cross 2°C for the month February 2020. "
And as we reduce burning coal then we heat up Earth more from the Aerosol Masking Effect now being proven to be twice as bad as previously though - as per Daniel Rosenfeld. So a 40% reduction of coal burning heats up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average....


Hans Asperger referred children to the Am Spiegelgrund clinic, which participated in the Third Reich's child euthanasia program. The program served the Nazi goal of eugenically engineering a genetically ‘pure’ society through ‘racial hygiene’ and the elimination of lives deemed a ‘burden’ and ‘not worthy of life’.
In the Am Spiegelgrund clinic, hundreds of children, many of them with severe mental disabilities, were killed, mostly through lethal drugs. Their deaths were mostly recorded as due to pneumonia.
Herwig Czech said: “These findings about Hans Asperger are the result of many years of careful research in the archives. What emerges is that Asperger successfully sought to accommodate himself to the Nazi regime and was rewarded with career opportunities in return. This is part of a broader effort by historians to expose what doctors were doing during the Third Reich. The case of Hans Asperger provides a troubling example of the horror that can be unleashed when medical professionals allow themselves to become complicit with a brutal ideology."
Hans Asperger, National Socialism, and “race hygiene” in Nazi-era Vienna.
Czech, Molecular Autism (2018). Did Hans Asperger actively assist the Nazi euthanasia program?
Baron-Cohen et al, Molecular Autism (2018).
the National Committee for Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary and Congenital Diseases in Berlin....that Herta suffered from 'idiocy, seeking no contact with her surroundings'. The National Committee was responsible for the secret Nazi child euthanasia programme. In reality, 'euthanasia' was a euphemism for the Nazis' racial hygiene, eugenic murder programme. One month later, on 2 September 1941, the day after her third birthday, Herta was put to death. The doctors registered 'pneumonia' as the cause of death.
Herta was one of at least 789 children who died in Am Spiegelgrund from July 1940, when the clinic was established, until the fall of the Third Reich. Many of the children were killed. The most common method was to administer a barbiturate, frequently dissolved in cocoa. This strong hypnotic, a drug which is now used to induce narcosis, caused many of the children to die quickly. Those who survived were given repeated doses of the drug and denied food, and died slowly from starvation or infections such as pneumonia.
Asperger never joined the Nazi party, he was a member of several Nazi organisations. Before the Anschluss, Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938, he was a member of the Catholic youth organisation Bund Neuland, which embodied fascist ideas and pan-Germanic ideology.
Medicine was nazified, but in many ways Nazism was also medicalised. After the Anschluss in 1938, the Nazi and anatomist Eduard Pernkopf (1888–1955) was appointed new dean of the medical faculty of the University of Vienna. He fired nearly 80 % of the faculty's staff, most of whom were Jews.
Am Spiegelgrund therefore received not only patients from other clinics, orphanages and practices, but also unwanted children whom the doctors had indexed in the villages. Among them was Marie Fichtinger, a girl born with hemiparesis [one-sided muscle weakness]. In August 1942, on recommendation from the doctors, her father signed a warrant for her transfer to an institution. After her admission to Am Spiegelgrund, Marie was diagnosed with 'profound idiocy'. Chief medical officer Heinrich Gross sent an application to the National Committee for permission to put her to death. On New Year's Eve the same year, she was killed.
Asperger was a fierce critic of psychoanalysis and the belief that upbringing and traumas were formative for children's development, and tended to emphasise biological and constitutional explanations, in line with Nazi racial hygiene (2).
Scheffer points to a radical change in Asperger's writing about the children before and after the Nazis came to power: he adapted his texts to Nazi ideology and language to protect his own career. Asperger nevertheless remains responsible for his writings. Although he never explicitly wrote that the children with the most severe pathologies ought to be put to death, he referred many of them to Am Spiegelgrund in the full knowledge that children were killed there. Euthanasia of the mentally ill was never referred to explicitly in official documents, perhaps with the exception of those classified as top secret. As Czech writes, mere mention of the possibility of killing patients would constitute a serious violation of state secrecy (2).


I'm listening to a playlist of her songs now - one on your channel from ten years ago. She is so young! haha. lovinghaleyr channel, "favorites" playlist - 180 songs! Awesome. She says the "Beatles" have been her favorite. The Beatles are the only other music group that I listened to as much as I've listened to Haley! She literally is like the new "Beatles" for me!! My best buddy had all the Beatles albums when I was 8 years old and then my first record I bought was Sargent Peppers...maybe 12 years old? haha. I used to listen to it over and over and over. I had no idea it was considered the best album ever. "a revised 2020 poll drops the Fab Four’s 1967 recording all the way down to Number 24." yeah that just proves people's taste had nose-dived!
It's kind of funny how "American Idol" gave Haley an instant international audience!! That's pretty awesome. I wonder if she would still have that kind of global appeal? Seems like that's a byproduct of the US cultural influence at least how it was 10 years ago....
"and the Beatles deliberately didn’t move like Elvis. That was our policy because we found it stupid and bullshit. Then Mick Jagger came out and resurrected “bullshit movement, ” wiggling your arse. So then people began to say the Beatles were passé because they don’t move. But we did it as a conscious move." John Lennon interview - hilarious! I didn't know John did "primal scream" therapy - with Yoko! that explains a lot!!
Also I didn't know John considered the Beatles "dead" already as soon as they went on their first tour - and that they were really a "club band" - wow. That makes sense since they really cut their teeth in Germany playing dive clubs.


There's over 400 Zettajoules of extra heat accumulated in the oceans since 1995 and so the oceans are now stratified and that heat is killing off the oceans - oxygen depletion, temperatures too hot, acidification, toxic algae. The Alaska snow crab population just vanished! That ocean heat is melting the arctic ice from below - heat blobs - there's 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane in the world's largest ocean shelf - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - and that is accelerating into the atmosphere. The atmosphere warming since the HOlocene is only about 30 Zettajoules - so the ocean heat is gonna have a huge effect on Earth, yet to come.


"SAN DIEGO — News 8 spoke with lead scientist Jennifer MacKinnon who lead Scripps Institution of Oceanography researchers and an international team to the Arctic Ocean for the study.
MacKinnon says Arctic sea ice could be gone by next year and only develop during the winter months.
Author: Mario Escovedo
Published: 11:29 AM PDT April 23, 2021
ONLY if you listen to her talking to News 8 to Mario she never "SAYS arctic sea ice could be gone by next year." This is what Jennifer MacKinnon says:
"It seems like all the ice in the summer will be gone in the not too distance future in the next decade or two. There will still be ice in the winter but the year round ice won't be there. So that is significant for a number of reasons, and quite disturbing. One is that if you just have seasonal ice, so it freezes in the winter and melts in the summer, it doesn't get very thick."
So the "author" Mario Escovedo got confused by the phrase "year round" and "next decade" and combined them into "next year." oops.
Then someone totally misquoted MacKinnon stating:


Peter Kingsley points out Aristotle didn't understand Pythagorean philosophy - the courage is from the kidney energy. Peter Kingsley: "And Aristotle, God bless him, sent the whole thing in the wrong direction when he proudly insisted that of course we’re aware that we are aware, of course we perceive that we perceive. He didn’t see how rare this state really is, because he was thinking rather than looking. He didn’t see how we go off to sleep. And we‘ve been in this sleep for over two thousand years....
"Parmenides and Empedocles lived just before the time in Western history when, with Plato and the influence of Aristotle’s disciples, we start to get the general notion that the senses lie. And because of this idea they were completely misunderstood....
"Yes, and it’s also found in Taoist exercises as well as particular strands of Buddhism.... Empedocles tells his student that 'if you press my words down underneath your dense-packed diaphragm, ' in other words if you breathe them in deeply into your belly, then they will stay with you and they will grow and they will change you."
Common Sense, 2016, An Interview with Peter Kingsley, Ph.D. in Pythagorean philosophy at Oxford,


What taxpayers? Eisenhower had a 90% or 91% marginal tax rate on the wealthy - was Eisenhower a Commie? haha. Eisenhower used that "tax subsidy" to build the interstate highway system! What's the tax rate now? It's just tax evasion for corporate elite and the wealthy. There is no taxes to be paid to subsidize anything - unless it's the military of course. Eisenhower was funding the military with his 91% tax marginal rate - but the Fascist Reagan-Thatcher Feudalism was a regressive tax while doubling military spending. So now the military "budget" is mainly debt spending. The true cost of the military is way more than it's budget reveals due to the healthcare costs and debt interest costs.
Yeah mass transit is a subsidy for corporations to keep the costs of their workers down! Why do you think Walmart has its workers getting food stamps - so the Walton family can make more billions! The real subsidy is the welfare for the elite multi-billionaires by passing off the true costs of workers to the government.
Unless of course it's healthcare which is the 2nd highest domestic cost after the military. Canada has a 7 page healthcare law for universal coverage! The U.S. - oh healthcare is too "complicated" haha - that's just a euphemism for private insurance CEOs making billions in wealth so that the richest country in the world has a terrible health failing - so much that it's difficult to find people qualified now for the military. hahaha. Even babies are now obese now from toxic corn syrup in infant formula!
Wow - 100% tax deduction for advertising as mass mind control and you think mass transit is a waste of money? hilarious. I guess the mind control really does work!
China covers the costs of general welfare because that keeps the true costs of industry low for the workers - that's how the U.S. started - the "general welfare" covered by government is so the COST of business is kept lower: roads, healthcare, mass transit and education!
There was a criminal conviction against Firestone, G.M, etc. for buying up the mass transit electric trolley systems in all the major cities in the U.S. - they all got dismantled and replaced by inefficient smog diesel buses so that the elite could get more SUBSIDIES. "Between 1938 and 1950, National City Lines and its subsidiaries, American City Lines and Pacific City Lines—with investment from GM, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil of California (through a subsidiary), Federal Engineering, Phillips Petroleum, and Mack Trucks—gained control of additional transit systems in about 25 cities...Most of the companies involved were convicted in 1949 of conspiracy to monopolize interstate commerce in the sale of buses, fuel, and supplies to NCL subsidiaries, "
Profit is a private subsidy that is Feudalism - there is absolutely no voting system for private profit except the brainwashed brown-No$ers hoping to "float" to the top if they keep ass-kissing and goose-stepping and hiding out the middle of the herd. haha.
"our national welfare therefore requires the provision of good urban transportation, with the properly balanced use of private vehicles and modern mass transport to help shape as well as serve urban growth". Funding for transit was increased with the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1970 and further extended by the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act (1974) which allowed funds to support transit operating costs as well as capital construction costs.
In 1970, Harvard Law student Robert Eldridge Hicks began working on the Ralph Nader Study Group Report on Land Use in California, alleging a wider conspiracy to dismantle U.S. streetcar systems, first published in Politics of Land: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on Land Use in California.[53]
In 1972, Senator Philip Hart introduced into congress the 'Industrial Reorganization Act', with an intention to restructure the U.S. economy to restore competition and address antitrust concern.[54]
During 1973, Bradford Snell, an attorney with Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro[55] and formerly, for a brief time, a scholar with the Brookings Institution, prepared a controversial and disputed paper titled "American ground transport: a proposal for restructuring the automobile, truck, bus, and rail industries."[56] The paper, which was funded by the Stern Fund, was later described as the centerpiece of the hearings.[57] In it, Snell said that General Motors was "a sovereign economic state" and said that the company played a major role in the displacement of rail and bus transportation by buses and trucks....
"Clearly, GM waged a war on electric traction. It was indeed an all out assault, ...Streetcar lines were built using funds from private investors and were required to pay numerous taxes and dividends. By contrast, new roads were constructed and maintained by the government from tax income."


The 1750 warming was from deforestation mainly and discovered from ice core readings - so Svante Arrhenius would not have known - this is mentioned by Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert in his book that includes Arrhenius' article. For the correct of Marcott see: Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum: "whereas SMC [Marcott, et. al.] shows a cooling trend, modeling results indicate there should be a warming, a phenomenon termed the “Holocene Temperature Conundrum”....a cold early Holocene and stable mid-late Holocene is the most dynamically consistent and robust solution...Recently, Bova et al. suggested that proxy-based Holocene cooling reflects orbitally induced seasonal biases [WHAT SAM CARANA STATED]...These findings contradict those of Marcott et al., who suggested that early 21st century temperatures (2000–2009) had not yet exceeded early Holocene values and reflect increased confidence over ref., who find that 2010–2019 warming is at the ∼80% of mid-Holocene centennial-scale values"
Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum
Matthew B. Osman1∗, Jessica E. Tierney1, Jiang Zhu2, Robert Tardif3, Gregory J. Hakim3, Jonathan King1, Christopher J. Poulsen, 2021
"In one model, however, GMST rose to about 0.2 °C above preindustrial at
around 6 ka. This model result agrees with another sensitivity experiment of orbital forcing alone showing that, as obliquity decreases, as it did after around 9 ka, GMST decreases in response to cloud and seasonal sea-ice feedbacks 71"
So that's the seasonal bias again from
Revisiting the Holocene global temperature conundrum
February 2023 Nature
"One prominent hypothesis attributes the increase to land-use practices of
preindustrial societies101 . The increase, albeit minor, was sufficient to counterbalance some of the global cooling driven by orbital cycles and to prolong the current interglacial period102 . Although this increase in GHG concentrations may have staved off the ensuing ice age, humans did not reverse the trend of the orbitally driven cooling until industrialization, beginning in the mid-nineteenth century 103"
A recent Holocene-long transient simulation that includes solar and volcanic forcing attributed the global cooling across the preindustrial Common Era largely to the effects of
volcanic aerosol forcing, which were amplified by sea-ice feedbacks 92
."a small (0.25 °C) but notable warming from 7 ka until the twentieth century11"
So there's your answer Antonio: ".25 C warming from preindustrial!!
Now to return to Sam Carana:
"The above 0.58°C for the rise from 1750 to 1951-1980 can be calculated in a number of ways, such as: - By using 0.3°C for the rise from 1750 to 1900, and adding 0.28°C for rise 1900 to 1951-1980. - Or, by using 0.29°C for the rise from 1750 to 1900, and adding 0.29°C for rise 1900 to 1951-1980."


Since industrial emissions are 100 times faster CO2 rate than the natural carbon cycle then we already stopped the next ice age from happening - that would have occurred 50, 000 years from now. So we've already done more geological impact than any supervolcano explosion would do. The Mt. Toba supervolcano did damage the ozone layer and reduced modern humans to a genetic bottleneck of 5000 people - this was 70, 000 years ago - those 5000 then left AFrica to spread around the world, multiplying fast but it was agriculture that caused the big population explosion. So yeah the supervolcano effect did already happen and didn't do that much damage. If CO2-equivalent emissions reach 1200 ppm (we're already half way there!) then the "Clouds Tipping Effect" is achieved - which would severely fry the planet.
"Stratocumulus clouds are widespread low-lying clouds, typically present within 2, 000 metres of the Earth’s surface. They form large cloud “decks” that typically cover around 20% of the Earth’s tropical ocean regions. They cool the Earth by shading its surface from incoming sunlight, reflecting much of it back to space before it reaches the surface. ...stratocumulus cloud decks become unstable and break up into scattered clouds when CO2 levels rise above 1, 200ppm. When these clouds break up they no longer shade the surface, triggering global warming of 8C – and as much as 10C in subtropical regions. This is in addition to the 5C or so of global warming above pre-industrial levels associated with 1, 200ppm CO2."
Yellowstone supervolcano and Mt. Toba supervolcano size is maybe twice in a million years and overall on Earth: "On average, the Earth has seen roughly one super-eruption every 100, 000 years" "That eruption [1991 Philippines] was a 6 on the VEI scale. A magnitude 8 eruption would be 100 times bigger. Fortunately, although such an eruption would cool the global climate, “it’s not going to wipe out all of life on Earth, ” says Lev.
So if one does happen then it would cool earth temporarily by 3 degrees Celsius global average - maybe 5 degrees Celsius global average but it would do so only for a couple years! It would offset global warming - and that's about it.
In fact this is the type of "geoengineering" of sulfate pollution is being called for to offset abrupt global warming. Currently the Aerosol Masking Effect is already twice as bad as previously thought - as Daniel Rosenfeld's research has proven. This means a 40% decrease in burning coal will actually HEAT up earth another 1 degree celsius global average. So we already have a "supervolcano" effect from industrial sulfur particulates (also from diesel fumes).
James E. Hansen of NASA global warming fame in his most recent report states: " The main factor driving acceleration [of atmosphere warming] is reduction of human-made aerosols in the atmosphere, and the principal confirmation is Earth’s measured energy imbalance."


I did my master's thesis on radical ecology and music theory - discussing Gregory Bateson, Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek - and also Jean Charon, and other quantum physicists - I called this "sound-current nondualism." I was contacted by a music publisher who studied physics and wrote books on music and physics. He couldn't understand my master's thesis! So I read his book on "Music and fractals" - Charles Madden. He points out that the Taiji symbol is NOT a fractal since it's not symmetric math. I realized this was the error I had made in my master's thesis - this was University of Minnesota, 2000, Liberal Studies graduate degree. I mainly did a ton of activism and I had my own University newspaper op-ed column as a paid staff op-ed writer due to my activism. I organized campaigns and coalitions and I did civil disobedience.
So that corroborated my master's thesis since Reiser was making the same claim - he had done his Ph.d. on nondualism and he realized this music theory connection. But Reiser was just repeating the error from Platonic philosophy! As Alain Connes points out - all of standard science is based on "commutative geometry" and as Roger Penrose points out the foundation of reality is actually noncommutativity. There's just a handful of scientists now who have figured out this noncommutativity secret - Penrose and his colleague Basil J. Hiley and math professor Lou Kauffman, and B.G. Sidharth - and a handful of others. I try to network the different scientists because they get very specialized and often don't know about each other.
So Penrose is emphasizing that mass originates from quantum frequency that is noncommutative but that gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter. So all of our standard science based on commutative geometry has tried to "decrease" the entropy of matter - and this is what Platonic philosophy is - it is governed by "symmetry" from the commutative geometry that originated from the wrong music theory! I discovered math professor Luigi Borzacchini on an academic math forum in 2001 - he had been discussing this secret music origin of Western standard mathematics - meaning "incommensurability" of the spacetime continuum - and irrational magnitude. Essentially the major 2nd music interval was cubed as the tritone that approximated the square root of two as the Power Set Axiom.
Anyway this Platonic music - from Archytas and Philolaus - was then picked up by Newton for his Inverse Square Law - by squaring the weight as tension then the frequency is doubled.
And Einstein is just an extension of the Pythagorean Theorem - there is even a book called "From Pythagoras to Einstein" that I quote in my master's thesis.
So as Tim Garrett points out "civilization is a heat engine" - meaning that to maintain the same rate of GDP as "growth" then the rate of growth has to keep expanding as exponential entropy increase. Economics, physics - it is all against the noncommutative negentropy of nonlocality from quantum time-frequency! This was the secret of nonwestern meditation as Eddie Oshins realized - when he coined "quantum psychology." I figured someone must have figured out the same secret I realized - that nonwestern meditation is actually noncommutativity. I kept searching and searching and I finally found Oshins website - and Oshins was solving the paradox of the double bind in logic that Gregory Bateson was trying to solve in his "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity" book. Oshins then tried to teach the noncommutativity math to Karl Pribram (of holographic mind neuroscience fame) but Pribram could not understand the noncommutativity concept.
Because again standard science is all based on commutative geometry and so people get "hard-wired" into the Pythagorean Theorem by 14 years old!! I knew the Pythagorean theorem was a lie - since I knew the music theory already by - maybe it was 15 or 16 years old.
So then... this is why our current science is causing an accelerating "biological annihilation" - if you study conservation biology professor Guy McPherson - he points out the Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously thought. This means a 40% decrease in sulfur particulates from reducing coal burning actually HEATS up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average! Also there's a 1200 gigaton pressurized methane reserve that is starting to blow in the world's largest ocean shelf - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. So the IPCC tries to dismiss the ESAS methane and the Aerosol Masking Effect but the two are interwoven - the IPCC is claiming if we reduce methane emissions then that will offset the increased warming from reducing the coal burning! This overlooks the natural positive feedback amplifications.
So the real issue, as physics professor Albert Bartlett repeated over 1000 times in person as his lecture, "Arithmetic, Energy and Population" is the exponential function math - that is the inverse of the logarithmic math (from the wrong music theory of Platonic philosophy!).
And so even General Relativity is based on this error. Mother Nature will "fix" the problem - and is doing so with great accelerating.


yeah but not at the same rate. We're already 10 times faster CO2 emissions rate than the asteroid that caused the mass extinction of species 65 million years ago. The Mt. Toba supervolcano around 70, 000 years ago did damage the ozone layer and reduced humans to a "genetic bottleneck" of around 5, 000 San Bushmen - the same humans who then left Africa to populate the world. But this is actually much worse over the long term. The ozone layer will get wiped out again when CO2 equivalent hits 1200 ppm - called the Clouds Tipping Point. We're about half way there already. But the CO2 cycle lasts 10, 000 years and we already stopped the next ice age that would have been 50, 000 years from now. So when you include all the nuclear power plants and nuke weapons - it could easily take millions of years for life to evolve again on Earth. Basically the calcium carbonate has to sequester the CO2 and that is a slow process - that in itself takes 100, 000 years overall probably. But it's the aftermath of the UV radiation and nuclear radiation that definitely will wipe out life fast.


Well Eddie Oshins was the first - but he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - and so not sure if he submitted his research for "peer-reviewed publications" - he presented it at Cambridge for APNA - association of philosophy...Actually Jordan Pascual was the real first - as his "self-amplifying" quantum consciousness is discussed in the 2016 Royal Society science book of the year award, "Life on the Edge" - Jordan was writing in the 1930s - and I think that was "peer-reviewed" publication - of course after his whole Nazi schtick then his peers really trashed him (good though too - although he was correct in terms of his science!)...Professor Basil J. Hiley has one...OH it's in a book - so I guess it's not a peer-reviewed article! dang. Chapter 15: Can Quantum Mechanics Solve the Hard Problem of Consciousness? Basil J. Hiley and Paavo Pylkkänen University of Oxford press.... Oxford UP... Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics, 2022
Shan Gao is Professor of Philosophy at the Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology, Shanxi University. He is the founder and managing editor of the International Journal of Quantum Foundations and is the author of several books, including the recent monograph The Meaning of the Wave Function: In Search of the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics (2017). His research focuses on the philosophy of physics, especially the foundations of quantum mechanics. He also has interests in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of science.
J. Acacio de Barros (San Francisco State University)
Michel Bitbol (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
David Chalmers (New York University)
Shan Gao (Shanxi University)
Philip Goff (Durham University)
Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona)
Lucien Hardy (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Basil J. Hiley (University of London)
Jenann Ismael (Columbia University)
Adrian Kent (University of Cambridge and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Peter J. Lewis (Dartmouth College)
Kelvin McQueen (Chapman University)
Carlos Montemayor (San Francisco State University)
Elías Okón (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Roger Penrose (University of Oxford)
Paavo Pylkkänen (University of Helsinki and University od Skövde)
William Seager (University of Toronto)
Miguel Ángel Sebastián (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Michael Silberstein (Elizabethtown College)
Lee Smolin (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Paul Skokowski (University of Oxford)
W. Mark Stuckey (Elizabethtown College)
Can Quantum Mechanics Solve the Hard Problem of Consciousness?
Basil J. Hiley & Paavo Pylkkänen
In Shan Gao (ed.), Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics. Oxford, UK: (2022)
Here is the key section from Hiley and Paavo.
"This is not the place to discuss these proposal in detail but we feel it is essential to draw the reader’s attention to this rapidly developing field which has been held back in the belief that “wave-decoherence”
is the fatal factor that destroys quantum effects in living systems. This negative outlook traps us in a totally obscure notion of “wave-particle duality” and all the conflicting images that throws up. We should instead direct our attention towards a dynamical structure conditioned by non-commutative geometry. It is through these structures that quantum mechanics is beginning to play a role in biological systems and therefore could play a significant role in addressing the mind-matter question and perhaps even the hard problem of consciousness."
Also of course there is Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes on how the brain works - I sent his 2015 talk to physicists to Basil J. Hiley who responded that this stuff changes physics in a deep way. Hiliey's working on a new paper - hopefully that will get published soon.
I wouldn't let the "peer-reviewed" filter hold you back though. hahahaha. Sure it's a good standard to go by but as Alain Connes points out all of modern science is based on "commutative geometry" and so scientists find noncommutativity to be a "nuisance" and "strange." In fact Roger Penrose (who has collaborated with Hiley) did call noncommutativity a "nuisance" even though Penrose admitted that noncommutativity is the key secret of his protoconsciousness palatial twistor cosmology and quantum biology research. haha. Even though Penrose has the Nobel Prize - not sure what kind of peer-reviewed standards he has - since it's difficult for him to combine all those areas in one paper! He has his cosmology papers and then his quantum biology papers but they are not disconnected if you consider the noncommutativity.
hmmm - oh thanks for your consideration - and also Penrose points out how gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter. So all of modern science based on commutative geometry trying to decrease the entropy of matter is actually increasing gravitational entropy on Earth! Penrose points out how mass originates from quantum frequency that is negentropic and noncommutative nonlocality - again as protoconsciousness.
So yeah I wouldn't hold up peer-review as the "top" standard in science. Of course 50% of physics is for the military and a lot of that is classified - like my quantum physics professor Herbert J. Bernstein had his research classified top secret without his even knowing it. hahaha. thanks, drew


The 1750 start of human-caused global warming was discovered in ice cores - considered to be mainly from increased deforestation - and so that actually adds another ".25 C" to the global average. To just say it is "not known" when the tipping points are does not rule it out! It could be BEFORE 1.5C hahah. We do know that the methane going into the atmosphere out of the world's largest ocean shelf, that has 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane, is already more methane released than the rest of the world's oceans combined. And so just a 5 gigaton "abrupt eruption" would double atmospheric global warming. Also the oceans already have 400 plus extra zettajoules of heat - and that will also be released - it's just a matter of time yes. But obviously with El Nino that ocean heat is releasing right now! The oceans are now "stratified" so the heat will be released more since it can no longer be sequestered "at depth" without the proper circulation.


10[to the]13 tonnes of CO2, with the amount released during indi-
vidual flow events likely to have been at least two orders of
magnitude lower (Wignall 2001). Thus, the gas released [from large igneous province (LIP) eruption] during a major flow of 1000 km3 (which may have occurred as frequently as every few thousand years) is unlikely to have greatly exceeded the current anthropogenic CO2
release rate of 25 × 10[to the]9 tonnes per annum. This modern flux
comes not even close to recreating the conditions during
these ancient catastrophes. It is possible that LIP eruptions
are associated with excessively CO2-rich volcanism, reflecting a mantle source still rich in volatiles. However, this has yet to be demonstrated. Alternatively, the volcanism may serve as a trigger for something else, such as the release of methane from clathrates buried at shallow depths beneath the seafloor. "
And we are Triggering that methane "abrupt eruption" right now!!


efficiency needs to be defined in terms of the thermodynamics of photon radiation, as per the 2022 Physics Today article on the thermodynamics of global warming. Therefore is all of modern industrial civilization shut down all CO2-equivalent emissions yesterday, there would be a 1 degree Celsius increase global average in heating due to the Aerosol Masking Effect - actually it would be worse. Daniel Rosenberg's Aerosol Masking Effect research discovered that it's twice as bad as previously thought with a 40% decrease in sulfur pollution heating earth 1 degree Celsius global average. As Tim Garrett emphasizes civilization is a heat energy no matter what. This goes back to the wrong mathematics as physics Professor Albert Bartlett emphasized with the SAME lecture given in person over 1000 times as his career - the "exponential function" math is the true cause of the ecological crisis. The exponential function is the inverse of the logarithmic function from symmetric spatial irrational magnitude math from the wrong music theory as math Professor Luigi Borzacchini points out. The correct music theory and mathematics is called "noncommutativity" as Alain Connes (Fields Medal in math) emphasizes along with Sir Roger Penrose (his latest Palatial Twistor model relies on noncommutativity and gravitational entropy from asymmetric time) - and his collaborator Professor Basil J. Hiley who worked with Bohm - and I have corresponded with Hiley numerous times in the past five years.
So now Mother Nature is taking revenge with positive feedback acceleration as there's a 1200 gigaton methane pressurized reservoir in the ocean's largest shelf - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - and the methane is already documented to be eruption with a highly likely "abrupt eruption" on the gigaton scale - a 5 gigaton eruption will double global warming temperatures in the near term. This was published in PNAS in 2021 but ignored in the IPCC ar6 of the same year - and the Aerosol masking Effect was dismissed as being balanced by decrease in methane emissions. The IPCC ar6 is based on ignoring the true power of Mother Nature taking revenge against Western civilization (in fact all of modern human society based on hierarchical storage of agricultural wealth).
and so we humans lived in an ecological culture from 100, 000 years ago - the San Bushmen culture - it would Behoove us to study our ancient ancestors as they knew how to live without war, without raype, and all the males training in spiritual healing. I did that training to finish my master's degree since I figured out in 1996 that we were doomed. thanks


I'm so utterly confused on what the fuck this video or these comments are, I just wanted to learn about Superconducters, now I'm hearing UFO's and shit? Love it! You're most likely a lot smarter than me and I couldn't bother to watch the whole video.


well as oceanographer Jim Massa, Ph.D. living in Alaska says on his "science talks" youtube channel - you can't argue with physics. I started doing full-time environmental activism in 1989 and I realized we were doomed in 1996. So I finished my master's degree by doing intensive nonwestern meditation through the African Studies department with a Chinese yoga spiritual master healer who went 28 days in nonstop full lotus padmasana meditation in a cave at Mt. Qingcheng. So I know for a fact that ghosts are real, among other things - in other words that is what we need to do "afterward." What happens to our ghosts when they leave our bodies? Our original human culture, the San Bushmen, is now proven to be 200, 000 years old - by the most recent DNA study - and they required all males to train in spiritual healing. Quantum biology now proves that life originates from protoconsciousness nonlocality - so it's a kind of superluminal signal of the future guiding the past and this is what powers our internal ghost (and also makes up the matter of our bodies and Nature in general). It's based on noncommutativity mathematics and standard science has been relying on commutative geometry with the exponential function as the inverse of the logarithmic function - eversince Platonic philosophy. thanks


Jack deserved to be booted.. thermometer have degrees and everyone knows we're we stick those..seems jack missed the class on social skills!!!


Professor Friedwardt Winterberg, father of nuclear fusion rocket:
"The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc..."


Wow that room-temperature superconducting discovery is so awesome - it is similar to graphene - or I mean in quantum biology training - there is the metamaterial creation - a two-dimensional flow - "strong electron-phonon coupling theory with high-frequency
hydrogen phonon modes(11, 12)." and "the modified/strained structure of their material creates a large number of “quantum wells” and "minute structural distortion by a slight volume shrinkage (0.48 %), " - this is very similar to the 4th state of water. Water is a macroquantum negentropic molecule. "our new development will be a brand-new historical event that opens a new era for humankind, " - considering the increase in gravitational entropy on Earth from commutative geometry-based technology (attempting to descrease the entropy of matter) - we need a serous breakthrough very fast! Our ability to grow food at scale in the "breadbaskets" (interior of the continents) is now directly challenged. There's serious positive feedback amplification of the biogeochemical cycle: The aerosol masking effect, the ESAS pressurized methane, the zettajoules in the ocean - it's gonna get seriously bad seriously fast - already is. thanks
