Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed? | Costi Hinn

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Can a Christian be demon possessed? Costi Hinn answers.

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As a young man, high on marijuana, l prayed and offered my soul to Satan to play the guitar. I thought nothing happened, but soon noticed weird paranoid thoughts. I also played the guitar for hours when high. 15 years later after smoking dope daily l became a Christian. I had to be healed and delivered to break the dope addiction. 15 years later at an Alter call l went forward for prayer to share the gospel and in prayer it felt like a giant python was coming out my stomach. The pastors wife who was praying with us said " its coming out his stomach" then when it left an amazing anointing came upon me for several minutes until l couldn't take it any more and asked God to stop, l was sobbing with joy by now. Soon after at the age of 50 for the first time in my life l began to be able to write worship and praise songs and l am 66 now. God is amazing ❤❤❤


This is awesome explanation. Very short but on point--clear and concise. God bless you, Costi.


Please pray for me. I got semons in me and i woud like true repentance.




Great message. I try to point people your way in hopes that they can see how you point to Christ. Keep spreading the Gospel.


When he talks about what fellowship has light with darkness he's talking about a covenant He's not talking about coexisting but he's talking about in the context of fellowship


i am a Christian i beleive Jesus Christ died on the cross for all my sins and is my lord and saviour i don't have possession i have full control over my body and mind and speech but i am getting attacked with sickness of Anxiety negative thoughts and feelings' constant demonic dreams and having limbs shaking convulsions screaming during deliverance prayers what does this mean? i get manifestation during deliverance can anyone pls explain pls??
i did backslide after i was born again and baptised i went back to my old sins and i have repented and never will ever go back but i still have manifestation during Prayer over me Deliverance i know i am a Christian truly beleive in God Yahuwah


1. Turning water into wine
2. Healing a nobleman’s son at Cana
3. Healing a lame man at the pool of Bethesda
4. First miraculous catch of fish
5. Delivering a synagogue demoniac
6. Healing Peter’s mother-in-law
7. Cleansing a leper
8. Healing a paralytic
9. Healing a man with a shriveled hand
10. Healing a centurion’s servant
11. Raising a widow’s son
12. Healing a blind and mute demoniac
13. Stilling a storm
14. Delivering the Gadarene demoniacs
15. Healing a woman with an issue of blood
16. Raising Jairus’ daughter
17. Healing two blind men
18. Delivering a mute demon
19. Feeding the 5, 000
20. Walking on the water
21. Delivering a Syrophoenician’s daughter
22. Healing a deaf mute in Decapolis
23. Feeding 4, 000
24. Healing a blind man at Bethsaida
25. Delivering a demon-possessed boy
26. Finding the tax money
27. Healing a man born blind
28. Healing a crippled woman on the Sabbath
29. Healing a man with dropsy
30. Raising of Lazarus
31. Cleansing ten lepers
32. Healing a blind Bartimaeus
33. Cursing the fig tree
34. Restoring Malchus’ ear
35. Second miraculous catch of fish

Healing: Sixteen miracles
1. Lepers
2. The blind
3. The deaf
4. The deformed
5. The crippled
6. The fever-ridden
7. The maimed
8. The paralyzed
9. Continuous bleeding
10. Dropsy

B. Casting out of demons: Seven miracles
1. Man in a synagogue (Mark 1:23-28)
2. A blind and mute demoniac (Matt 12:22, Luke 11:14)
3. The Gadarene demoniac (Matt 8:28-34, Mark 1:20, Luke 8:26-39)
4. A mute demoniac (Matt 9:32-33)
5. Daughter of a Syrophoenician mother (Matt 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30)
6. A boy at the base of Mt. Hermon (Matt 17:14-18, Mark 9:14-21, Luke 9:38-42)
7. Woman in a synagogue (Luke 13:10-17)

C. Financing: One miracle
1. Fish with a coin in its mouth

D. Feeding: Five miracles
1. Turning water into wine
2. First catch of fish
3. Feeding of the 5000
4. Feeding of the 4000
5. Second catch of fish

E. Protecting: Two miracles
1. Stilling a storm
2. Walking on water

F. Resurrecting: Three miracles
1. Raising a widow’s son (Luke 7:11-15)
2. Raising Jairus’ daughter (Matt 9:18-19, 23-26, Luke 8:41-42, 49-56)
3. Raising of Lazarus (John 11:17-44)

G. Judging: One miracle
1. Cursing a fig tree

Is it me or are there only "7" times Jesus cast demons out of people?


I agree 100% but what effect do or can they have on a back slidden Christian? I know someone that was genuinely saved early in his life but a horrible sexual assault drove him to alcoholism ptsd and paranoia and maybe adhd. When he drinks he gets very verbally aggressive cursing at the neighbors and about politics. He is also very careless around the house and has broken several appliances in his drunken state. So what’s going on in the spirit world because once saved, ALWAYS SAVED!


My question is: Why do so many people scream and choke - it looks like the demon is leaving them. Where did this extreme reaction come from if it wasn't a demon? I don't understand.


I guess the next question i have is ..
How can you know whether you're being possessed?


In fact many Christians say that they definitely have demons in them, many Christians know that they themselves unfailingly have a demon(s) inside of them, it's common.

The word should not at all be seen as 'possessed' as in ownership but rather to certain extents in each person being 'under the power of a demon' in them. The word possessed by demons should not be taken as a Christian not being able to function normally everyday in being a strong and believing Child of God but simply directly affected in some way by a demon.

'Possessed' is a very inaccurate translation that has confused the church as we see today. Just like the tabernacle structure in Moses' days where the Holy Place (the soul) was separated from the Holy of Holies (the Spirit's indwelling place), it may appear that demons can live in the souls of Christians and perhaps also attached to the body which is like looking at the tabernacle's walls from the outside and seeing a demon 'on the wall'. As these body, soul, spirit 'compartments' were separated from each other, it may not be a stretch to say that the demon dwells in the soul which has a spiritual dividing line from the Spirit's domain. So, with this in mind, it may not mean that a demon cannot dwell in a believer's body as if to say that God and a demon cannot co-exist together in a specific area, which is possible, but rather than they cannot be in fellowship with each other of course.

Thus, a dividing line between the soul and Spirit's compartments above would not translate to fellowshipping or communing together which is the key. God will not allow a demon inside His Holy Spirit domain (Holy of Holies) in a Christian, but it may not mean the demon cannot exist in the soul (the Holy Place where the Spirit does not dwell) compartment.

Bear in mind that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19-20; 3:16-17) made in the same pattern as the Tabernacle with its separate body (looking at it from the outside and the 'outer court'), spirit and soul compartments which which then would appear that a Christian could have a demon attach to their bodies or enter their souls which is why especially for the latter we see Christians being afflicted in their minds, will and emotions because of a demon dwelling in the soul? But this situation doesn't necessarily stop a person from being 'fed' by and to live for God in and through their separate spirit compartment and therefore they can continue to live rather successfully as Christians.

Although it is seen routinely in deliverance prayers/videos, I believe the Church needs to hear more about the common experiences of passionate and true Christians who know they have a demon(s) in them so that we would understand that these people are not all lying or unbelievers, and many have had demons cast 'out' from them (the Bible says they came 'out') which means the demons were 'in' them. Lastly, the Bible certainly does not need to say that only non-believers had demons cast out (it doesn't say this), but rather it says that 'people' (any) had demons cast out and thus it makes no distinction as to whether or not they had been saved. Thus, there exists no cogent foundation and evidence for Christians asserting that believers cannot have demons in them as proposed above particularly with the temple (our bodies) structure.


Are demons stronger than God? I've never heard of a god possession.


That is true a Christian cannot be possessed.

Anyone who claims a believer is possessed is not using the correct terminology or translation of Hebrew. Christians are to put on the full armor to fight against demonic oppression and spiritual battles. Didn’t Jesus tell Peter, “Satan, get behind me”? Didn’t Paul say in 2 Corinthians 12:7 that he had a “thorn in his flesh, the messenger of satan to buffet me”? Were these men not believers in Jesus as disciples? Did they not have demonic oppression? Jesus said deliverance is the children’s bread, too, right?

Psalm 91:14-16 says, "Because he loves me, ' says the LORD, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will DELIVER him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation, " (NIV). Psalm 118:13-17, 2 Corinthians 1:8-10, 2 Timothy 4:16-18. Deliverance is the children's bread.


The Great Sanhedrin took the second option and declared that He was able to perform such miracles because He was demon possessed. But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons” (Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15-16; John 7:20). They claimed that Jesus Himself was possessed or demonized, not by some common demon but by the prince of demons, Beelzebub. This name is a combination of two Hebrew words that mean “the Lord of the Flies.” The real reason that His claims had been rejected was because He had rejected the Oral Law, but the stated reason for the rejection of Jesus was that He was demon possessed. This action by the leadership of Isra’el set the stage for Jewish history for the next 2, 000 years. To this day Jews believe that Jesus was demon possessed.

Yeshua Messiah responded in two ways. First, He defended Himself with four statements (Matthew 12:25-29). He said this could not be true because it would mean a division in Satan’s kingdom. Secondly, they themselves recognized that the gift of exorcism was a gift of the Spirit and even their followers were able to throw out demons (although these were not mute demons). Thirdly, this miracle authenticated the claims and the message of Jesus of Nazareth. Fourthly, it showed that Yeshua was stronger than the Adversary rather than being subservient to Adversary.

The second response was a condemnation (Matthew 12:30-37). In this condemnation Jesus said that this generation was guilty of the unpardonable sin, blasphemy of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh. Because this sin was exactly what it said it was, unpardonable, judgment was now set against that generation, a judgment that could not be alleviated under any circumstances. It came forty years later in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Exactly what is the unpardonable sin within the context in which it is found? It is not an individual sin, but a national sin. It was committed by the Jewish generation of Jesus’ day and cannot be applied to subsequent Jewish generations. The context of the unpardonable sin was the national rejection by Isra’el of Jesus as the Messiah while He was present on the grounds of being demon possessed. And because it was a national sin and not an individual sin, people of that day could and did escape that national judgment. Nor is it a sin that anyone can commit today. On this point the Bible is very clear.


But what about when Peter asked Jesus not to go to the cross?


*This is so important*

Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan).

7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be "raptured" out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times (starting in chpt. 43), then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath.

The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged).

The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit.

Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity.

The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing.

The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system).

The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame).

Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end.

Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm.

God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies.

Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image.

God bless you and Amen.


Amen, great video!🙌 How can a believer help an unbeliever that is demon possessed? While praying for them (in person) do we pray for the demons to leave them in the name of Jesus? Is that Biblical?


there was the exorcism of Emily Rose and she was Christian?? So could it still be possible?


demons are not fallen angels where do you get that....
