Can A Christian Be DEMON Possessed?

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Can A Christian Be DEMON Possessed?

Can a Christian be demon-possessed? Can a Christian have a demon? How could a spirit-filled believer have a demon? Show me one place in scripture a Christian had a demon? I am going to cover all 3 of these questions in this video! I am constantly getting asked Isaiah do you believe Christians can have demons so I thought I should finally put out a video on it. If you enjoyed the video please like, subscribe, and leave a comment! I will be posting weekly videos like this!

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#Supernatural #Demons #Deliverance
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Have you wondered about this question!?


I was delivered tonight. I was fighting my husband to go to church. The demon was manifesting hiding itself as anxiety. As soon as I got there I started crying. Then my husband asked if they could pray over me. 20 people praying over me. I started shaking and panicking. I felt warmth and fire over my arm. I was healed. I've never been this happy. Haven't had peace in 3 months since I got married. It started on my wedding night it's been non stop.


Yes, I’m a Spirit filled believer and I had no idea I had demons until I was delivered!! God is Faithful!!


I have been binge watching your videos. My small town doesn't deal with deliverance. I work in the mental health field.. been secretly practicing what I've learned 😍


I was a Pastor's daughter and at my 22 years of age I found out that all the problems that I had through the years, the roots were spiritual. Then my deliverance began and I continue being set free from all kind of different demonic boundaries that were in my family line.


I love brother, I have being deceived my self thinking that Christian can not be demonized. I thought my struggle were the flash and was trying to crucify the demons. for 11 yrs I was dedicated Christian, . I don't watch or listen to anything that is not about God. No matter how long I hv prayed, or read the word, prayed and fasted, I could not overcome the inner darkness and battles. I came to conclusion that, after 11 yrs, I cant do it by myself anymore and I need help. So I am going to deliverance service, God willing next week. Please pray for me. Thank you for opening my eyes to know the truth. I thank God for u and it is my prayer that God will raise up young people like you.🙏🙏🙏


Thank you ISAIAH!! And thank you GOD!! As a Spirit filled believer for a number of years, I was delivered from many demons several years ago that had been causing incredible mental/emotional torment in many different ways. As a new Christian, I had attended a church for a few years that asserted that "Christians can't have demons." However, I later began attending a church that fully understood the reality behind DEMONS & DELIVERANCE, and what you have just presented in this video, and when these evil spirits were cast out of me, the tortuous feelings day and night of mental illness, insanity, rage, depression, loneliness and a long list of others, came out one right after another, some were a bit violent, but they all were ordered OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS! When they left - the feelings all left as well, never to return. This torment has NEVER been back ever again!! This was the late 1980's!! It has never returned after all of these years!! ISAIAH, Continue to preach brother!! YOU ARE TRULY ON TRACK!!


Thank you for this clarification, God just delivered me after being saved for 4 years. This really needs to be made known amongst the church.


100% accurate! Thank God for a Pastor that actually studies the Word and does not water it down. We have got to stop playing church...we are in a war!


The most deliverances I've seen are with Christians, absolutely! It was also as a Christian I discovered my demons.


I have been delivered from many evil spirits and whatever Isaiah has said it is exactly what I went through with even feeling empty when they left and soon after was asking the Lord for baptism in the Holy Spirit & I believed and then I was filled 🔥🔥🔥🙏🏽🙏🏽


A number of years ago I started having a incredibly strong fear of death. It was almost irrational. Around this time I also suffered a miscarriage. (I have been a born again, spirit filled Christian for many years) I started experiencing all kinds of unexplained sickness. Muscle twitching, vertigo, what felt like serious neurological illness. I even taught my small children how to call 911 in case I died. Had a million tests and the doctors could find nothing wrong. One day in the shower I literally felt like something put it’s hands around my neck and I couldn’t breathe. I called a friend who put me in touch with her Pastor. I met with him and a groups of Christians I trusted. They prayed and I was delivered. As they prayed I felt I was literally being strangled, couldn’t breathe and was throwing up. That demon left and so did my sickness. When I looked in the mirror after all the whites of my eyes had turned red from the literal choking that had happened to me. I was shocked but it confirmed what happened was real. The Pastor’s take was that the enemy is quick to take advantage during trauma in your life and felt when I miscarried was when this evil thing attached itself to me. I grew up being taught Christians cannot have demons but I am 100% convinced otherwise after what happened to me. If you have had trauma and have sickness you can get someone to pray for your deliverance.


I Lliterally was just having this conversation this past Sunday. I was telling people my experience with deliverance and saying that I am a believer and needed deliverance. Thank you thank you thank you!!


2 Timothy 3:16, NLT: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."


Jesus Christ is Lord!!! He is the way, the truth and the life none comes to the father except through Him .


So true! Have experienced deliverance after being saved, and born again. My spirit awoke to the reality of supernatural. Had sleeping paralysis and the spirits coming back at night... after closing the doors in prayer feel free. Still battling some addiction in my life though... praying for the full freedom in Christ, as promised in John 10:10.


I’m sharing this with my church, Pastor, his wife, and friends! Deliverance is coming to B’ville Indiana in the near future and we’re gonna be ready to cast out demons!!! Thanks for equipping us, Isaiah!


Little Testimony about this video: So recently I prayed/asked God if Christians or Born again Believers can have a demon or be demon possessed, a few days later I see this video being recommended. God answers prayers quickly and in interesting ways sometimes lol! Praise God!!!


Powerful revelation, "deliverance is the bread of the children". Praise God🙌 He came to set the captives free! God richly bless you brother Isaiah.


Thank you brother. Because of you, pastor Vlad and Pastor Alex, I was able to perform self deliverance and break generational curses that have been over my family for many decades. All praise to our God and savior Jesus Christ. I now know!! Ive been set free.
