Windsurfing- The Duck Gybe

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A great alternative to the carve gybe and for many people it has a much higher planing exit rate.

This is not only a new move to learn but will help improve any kind of gybe.

Big thanks to Neilson Holidays, Life Cinematic, Starboard Windsurfing and Tushingham Sails.
Filmed on Location at the Neilson Holidays resort of Ortakent in Turkey.
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That duck gybe was not only perfectly performed but described very well also and in good timing with the same.
Although the turning movement is also known as a tack on a boat and it is easier to perform on that size of a craft than it is on a Windsurfer it's simply because one would be sitting in the hull of the boat and therefore wouldn't need to duck as low as the rig is swinging across the stern of the craft and the haul lines are more accessible to cup the sail than the Wishbone is on a Windsurfer is whilst one reaches under the rig to grasp the wishbone on the other side of the sail and draw it in sufficiently to recup the sail and remain in motion.


my favourite move. It is such a great feeling everytime you get it done right and plane through :-)


The most important thing - start duck the sail early! This is big difference between carv or power gybe. Keep practicing. Thanks for another great video!


This is one of the most beautiful thing i've seen :o


Perfect tutorial, thanks a lot! I did some basic things wrong for a long time after trying to learn them pre-youtube time and now I can finally do them right!


Funny I did my first duck gybe 20 something years ago at the Gorge. And very occasionally successful since. Now I crash every time. Nowadays only sail every few weeks. Best to watch videos and get it in your head.


I got traumatized by this trick. I tried in a few years ago, I was just a beginner but it seemed way cooler than simple jibes...
I did my jibe way too early, way before having the wind in the back.
Result, when I passed my sail on the other side, the wind took on the wrong side and the mast hit my forehead...


Damn! Three weeks more of lockdown before I can get out on the water again to try this. 😭😭😭😩


why does it look so easy till i try myself? ? :'(


Where is this filmed ? I want to go there!
