I Messed Up The No Contact Rule(What Do I Do?)
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Define The No Contact Rule:
The no contact rule is a period of time where you ignore your ex on purpose. The intent of this tactic should NOT be used to make your ex miss you but instead should be used to rebuild your own life so that you outgrow your ex. By doing this, the no contact rule can have the added benefit of making an ex miss you.
Types of No Contact:
What does messing up the no contact rule look like?
- You break it by responding to an ex when you feel bad
- You show up at their house or work to get their attention
- You put yourself in a position where you will "accidentally" run into them.
Why So Many Of Our Clients Fail The No Contact Rule
- They Feel bad about ignoring their ex
- Their ex pulls the guilt trip on them
- They get worried that their ex will forget them
- They become terrified that their ex will find someone else during the no contact rule if they are out of sight, out of mind.
Why Messing The No Contact Rule Up Is Not Good
- The more you have to do it over and over the less effective it becomes in not only helping you outgrow your ex but in making your ex miss you.
What To Do If You Messed Up The No Contact Rule
- Restart from the beginning and remember the point is to get to a place emotionally where you OUTGROW your ex.
- How To Look At Being Guilt Tripped
If your ex wanted immediate responses, your ex shouldn’t have broken up with you or suggested a breakup in the first place.
- The No Contact Rule Is A Consequence For Bad Behavior If You Think About It
- Understanding How Anger Works In An Exes Guilt Responses
Anger is a defense mechanism. Anger is a result of being upset or sad or feeling shame over not getting something that they want. They are trying to find really, in the best way possible, in the best ways they know how, to make themselves feel better, and to tell themselves they’re not wrong. But we know they’re wrong, otherwise the breakup wouldn’t have happened.
"Having an ex tell you that you are selfish or acting childish for not responding to them implies that they are selfless and not childish but when we look at the situation all you are doing is minding your own business and moving past a breakup... all they are doing is throwing a tantrum since things aren't going their way. Who is more childish in this circumstance?"