Mask Collision detection | Collision detection in python and pygame | Chrome Dino PART 4 | #pyguru

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In this tutorial we will learn to create google chrome dino game clone using python and pygame. Here we will learn how about masked collision detection and implement it in our game. A mask is Useful for fast pixel perfect collision detection. A mask uses 1 bit per-pixel to store which parts collide.
If the surface uses a color-key, then it is used to decide which bits in the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that are not equal to the color-key are set and the pixels equal to the color-key are not set. If a color-key is not used, then the alpha value of each pixel is used to decide which bits in the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that have an alpha value greater than the threshold parameter are set and the pixels with an alpha value less than or equal to the threshold are not set.
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In this tutorial we will learn to create google chrome dino game clone using python and pygame. Here we will learn how about masked collision detection and implement it in our game. A mask is Useful for fast pixel perfect collision detection. A mask uses 1 bit per-pixel to store which parts collide.
If the surface uses a color-key, then it is used to decide which bits in the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that are not equal to the color-key are set and the pixels equal to the color-key are not set. If a color-key is not used, then the alpha value of each pixel is used to decide which bits in the resulting mask are set. All the pixels that have an alpha value greater than the threshold parameter are set and the pixels with an alpha value less than or equal to the threshold are not set.
#python #pygame #dino #googledino #dinoclone #pygametutorial #pygameplatformer #platformer #pythonguru
google dino clone with pygame
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pygame arcade games
making games with python and pygame
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pygame tutorial
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pygame collision detection
pygame collide mask
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