The D'Addario Products You Didn't Know You Needed (And Some You Probably Don't)

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00:00 intro
1:57 Patch Cable Kit
2:22 Varigrip Hand Exerciser
3:28 Fiddilink Hand Exerciser
4:23 Drillbit Peg Winder
4:55 Hearing Protection
6:14 Dexterity Bands
9:30 Guitar Dock
11:28 The Pedalboard Mic Stand

only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!
Рекомендации по теме

D'Addario: Let's put some fun into a John Cordy video...


Seriously! Hearing protection is a must. The first Hand exerciser(GripMaster) helped a lot when I was away from the guitar, and kept the muscles warm. The third exerciser helped with C Tunnel Syndrome. The drill bit winder helps when you are setting up guitars and are unwinding strings.


This is like Teleshopping for guitarists bruh


I have those guitar docks all over the house. After picking up the first one on a whim, I realised how much I was moving it around, so I bought another two. My kids didn't realise and two of them bought me two more each for father's day (without realising the other had done so), but I use them all and they clamp to about anything.

I take one to my regular hotel gigs along with thick, cheap microfibre cloths to put on the floor. I never have to worry about my guitar falling over, and it fits in my leads bag so it's nothing extra in my hands as I carry my gear in.


The drill attachment for tuning pegs is for string changes, not tuning, and is KILLER if you use it on a small, lower-powered drill or electric screwdriver.


The string winder thing
I bought one and use it with a cheap, low power rechargeable IKEA screwdriver
It's brilliant - and not just getting strings on. When restringing, saves loads of time unwinding


I've used Daddario strings now on all my guitars for about 10 years and love them. For my acoustic they make a great capo that is perfect for live performance when you are supporting singers who need many different open keys. Very easy to move up and down the neck.


I think the peg winder is a good idea. Use it when changing strings with an electric screwdriver. Works great.


Really frustrating how much better J Cordy is with his fingers trapped in a finger excerciser than I am unhindered


The guitar dock is now in my Amazon basket so thanks for that! Excellent for when I forget the proper stand (or there's not rom). I like the idea of the pedalboard mic stand interesting. Cheers!


K I actually use the grip exerciser, obviously it's not some kind of scientific test so take this with an appropriate grain of salt, but I think it's been helpful to me, particularly when it comes to extra-stretchy chords- the two things that I think are helping me take advantage of it are 1) orienting my arm and hand down where they would be when fretting a guitar neck, and 2) only using it for a very short period each day, especially if I'm actually playing that day, like a few minutes tops. I think of it more as a warm up than anything else, just one that I can do in thr middle of the day at my office. YMMV


I’ve been rocking a drink holder on my mic stand for the last 10 years. Don’t put your drink on your amp … that’s crazy talk. Don’t put your drink on the ground … you’re gonna kick it. That’ll just make you sad. Happiness is reaching down to your mic stand for a refreshing cool drink. 🍺


Cool items, love D'addario (Planet waves) stuff


Would anyone else like for J Cordy to sit in with their band for a gig? My favorite youtube player.. This guy just kills it man!


The drill bit saves so much time winding and unwinding. Wish I would have discovered it sooner.


💚Drill bit attachment. Yup. Had the impact drill on full speed, in tighten mode instead of loosen. One quick trigger, oopsy, By by nut & wood🤗. But, it’s fixed now….


I have ear moulds made up (much more expensive but far better sound experience), and then have spare cheaper ear plugs just in case I forget them. Always put your ear plugs in, especially afterwards when the house music comes on and is twice as loud as the band was.
The mic stand seems like a good idea, that looked fairly shaky though, not entirely sold.


Hearing protection. Can’t go past the variable ones from Minuendo. Are phenomenal.


I use d addario strings for 37 years now, my guitars like me for that! 🎯


I used the hand exerciser regularly after I broke my wrist and it did the job. It was amazing how weak my fingers, hand and wrist had got when I was in plaster and early in recovery. The different resistance in the individual pistons was useful in monitoring progress. So the exerciser was actually very useful ha ha 😉...and used the fiddlink actually did help with the loss of dexterity!
