The Great Mouse Detective Big Ben Chase HD

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This movie is criminally underrated and I wish more of Disney's movies had this dark theme to it, especially at the climatic battle between the hero and villain.


Vincent Price went above and beyond with acting Professor Ratigan.
He steals the spotlight in every scene he is in.


I like how this final battle was kinda dark and frightening. Ratigan showed his true nasty nature, just like Moriarty.


Edna Mode: Professor Ratigan! 1897! Got his cape stuck between the gears of Big Ben! NO CAPES!!!


The part where Ratigan reveals the true animal he really is.


TV Tropes points out that sometimes rats eat mice. This scene could have been so much darker.


This ladies and gents is what is called a villainous breakdown. A villainous breakdown happens when the villain snaps from actions of the hero or their plans are ruined. Villains that are broken are twice as dangerous than how they were before. The reason why is they don't have as rational thought and do things they normally wouldn't to annihilate whatever they are fixated on, and will harm anything around them to do it. Even their own allies and underlings, if they stand in the way. Rattigan's breakdown is my favourite breakdown because it was a slow build up and then he breaks. When his plan was ruined at the Palace he escaped taking Olivia hostage threatening to kill her if he was followed. Rattigan then threw a tantrum at her on the airship and cast his last loyal underling overboard when he complained. Rattigan was always composed when his plans were ruined in the past, he had this "it's no big deal." attitude. Now he doesn't, he was also very conscious about how others viewed him, he dressed well, had a high self esteem of himself. Until someone called him a Rat, you saw the monster briefly with this trigger word. He never liked to get his hands dirty so would rely on indirect methods to solve a problem, the execution methods at the lair for instance. He could have killed Basil right there but he chose not to, relying on his "genius" contraptions to kill him instead. Now the breaking point when Basil saves Olivia and runs, Ratigan had enough. He no longer cares about his clothes as he climbs the gears they are ripped, he no longer cares about being called a Rat. He doesn't want to think of a creative way to kill his enemy, instead he is relying on his strength, taking the task into his own hands directly. He has become the opposite of what he was before, his inner demon's chains are broken and it wants Basil dead.


I actually adored this movie as a child, now I'm 25 and I feel I apprecciate it even more, the movie is really creative and well done in so many things


1:47 - 3:06
Basil's nightmare. Literally.

Basil was trapped on a very high height (for a mouse) with an insanely savage rat (Ratigan) who literally tears him to shreds. And, he falls down, but miraculously survives.


I feel like people who never saw this movie just like to assume it's bad because it was made during the Disney dark age of the 70s and 80s. But maybe if people actually gave it a chance and ignore the time period it was released, it would finally develop a cult following and be remembered as one of the better movies of the Disney dark age, because it's actually really good.


You know what I like the most about this scene? That there's barely any dialogue when they're inside Big Ben, just the music! It makes the scene so much more...intense, for the lack of a better word. And I love it!


in the end ratigan was another dead rat behind a garbage pail behind a Chinese restaurant


I wish cartoons were still like this. This taught me to look for manipulative psychos, even at a young age. Okay, so I was wary, but I also never ran into trouble because of it.. Now everything is 'kid friendly', which IMO isn't so great for kids, it just makes parents feel better even though it shouldn't.


This scene is the first time Disney used CGI and gave us a glimpse into the Disney Renaissance that began in 89 with The Little Mermaid, Beauty & The Beast and Aladdin.


I really like Ratigan's breakdown when he is out of rage, his fighting style turns into the animalistic style.


The blend of 2D and 3D animation with the Big Ben gears work seamlessly!


This was my favorite movie as a kid, and this was my favorite scene. When Ratigan sees Basil winning and can’t help himself and become his true nature, a rat.


3:12 Ratigan probably thinking: If I'm going, you're coming with me!


One of the only battles in Disney movies that had me on the edge! Masterful work!


Professor Ratigan is one of the most underrated Disney villains ever! He's really one of the very best.
