Ghost of Tsushima's Platinum on LETHAL Difficulty changed me

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In this video I unlock the Ghost of Tsushima Platinum trophy on LETHAL difficulty on the PS5..
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Ghost of Sushima is now my favorite game


This man managed to say every single characters name wrong


I love how GOT does difficulty. Rather than making enemies hit sponges, they make them take more damage, but you take more damage as well. Much more fun.


All I can think about is the fact that Rob’s wife had to film him crying in the shower


Just platted this game last week. After owning it for 2 years and never playing past act 2, I upgraded to the director’s cut and started over and have put in over 100 hours into this game. It’s a top 3 game for me now.


This man managed to butcher every single name in the game


Pro Tip for anyone attempting a 100% lethal run: GO TO THE SHRINES!!! The charms you collect from the shrines and the one you get from visiting all the fox shrines carried me through my lethal playthrough. The fox charm especially. The charms can be the difference between victory and defeat. Basically, just do the side missions. If you're going for a 100% run already, go do the side missions (especially the tales and myths) first. The rewards will ease your progress significantly. If you're having particular trouble with breaking guards, I recommend going for the way of the flame mythic tale. Other than that, it's all about reaction time.


these videos are so unique and well made, literally perfect for a break from work watch every time - keep grinding brother!


It hurts every time he mispronounced the names😂


This game is one of the best from the ps4/xbox one generation. It got rave reviews on release but nobody talked about it after its hype cycle died down and thats a damn shame because sucker punch knocked it out of the park like 4 times in a row on this one. This game is so beautiful, so much fun, and just so goddamn cool.


As someone who has beat this game a couple times, he is in fact so underpowered for the last fight on lethal. I have no idea how he did this


Bro really called the horse cage. And the translation was right next to it.


I loved the part where I liberated Castle Canada 🇨🇦 :)


My favorite game of all time, and my 3rd ever platinum (i didnt do lethal difficulty, you lunatic) but still what a masterpiece of a game and a satisfying as hell platinum to add to the collection


I platinumed the game on lethal, Kurosawa mode with no hud on my first playthrough. Definitely the most satisfying way to play the game


I just started the video and I don't think I'll be able to handle him saying Shoosima the whole time 😭


"This isn't hard" Rob's final words 🕊🕊


huge W, it's really awesome watching the streams and then the video (and also counting deaths) . amazing job Rob


I damn near platinum'd the game with the release of the Director's Cut, but I had to recently reset my PS5, so I fired up the game again and decided to take another go at it.

My personal advice for anyone looking to optimize something like this: there are two very early game charms which you will want to make the rest of the game as easy as possible. First, get the Charm of Inari, and do the Fox Dens to unlock two more charms that will be invaluable. Spend your first technique points on Perfect Parry OR Perfect Dodge. Then get the Charm of Mizu-no-Kami.

Charm of Inari is located at Arrow Peak Shrine, and Mizu-no-Kami is in the Spring Falls Shrine. There are loads of other major charms you will unlock that may look more interesting, but a majority of the early-game major charms are focused on giving you benefits at specific health values, or just buff healing or resolve gains. These are useless on Lethal in the early-mid game, as one hit is more often enough to end you.

Charm of Inari will more-or-less double the supplies, bamboo, wood, etc you pick up. If you keep it on you at all times, you will NEVER have to worry about having a deficit of materials to upgrade your armor, weapons, etc. You may run into some issues with very specific rare materials, such as Wax Wood, Steel, or Gold. But to put it into perspective, before I even started Act 2, I was one or two upgrades away from having a maxed out Katana.

Charm of Mizu-no-Kami makes Perfect Parries and Perfect Dodges easier to perform. I'm not entirely sure what the breakdown of the time window is, but I can tell you with confidence that it made numerous encounters significantly easier. I was able to take out a majority of the camps in Act 1, long before progressing to Act 2.

And that brings us to the Fox Dens. These are undeniably the most useful (IMO) things you can do in the game, so it's worth spending the one point in locating them (or using a map if you don't want to spend the point). Not only do they increase your total number of charm slots, if you do enough Inari shrines, you are eventually given two additional minor charms. The first is the Charm of Inari's Might, the second is the Charm of Silence.

Inari's Might provides you with a bonus to health AND melee damage in one charm. Silence gives you a reduction in detection speed, and ALSO gives you an increase to Resolve gains. At first, these charms are not super great. But the reason they are so good (eventually) is because they level up as you find more Inari shrines. Completing Fox Dens allows you to unlock these charms, and level them up to the point that they provide "Massive" boosts to melee damage, health, and resolve gains. You get all of that from just TWO charm slots.

I'm still working through my fresh re-run of the game (just started the Iki island DLC), but in terms of armor upgrades, I've so far spent a vast majority of the game in just the Traveler's Attire upgraded to Tier 3. I've been extremely stingy with my materials. So far, I've upgraded Traveler's Attire to 3, Samurai Armor to 3, Ronin Attire to 3, Sakai Armor to 4, and Ghost Armor to 4.

I probably could have avoided upgrading Samurai and Sakai armors. The most beneficial was getting Ronin Attire to 3, and switching to it when needed for that sweet, sweet melee boost. No reason to take it to 4, as this just buffs the bonus for pampas grass. You just want the melee damage boost as high as it will go, which is Tier 3. Couple that with a nearly maxed out Katana, and a vast majority of early-mid game content is a walk in the park. It wasn't until entering Act 3 that I truly started to run into loads of difficulty, because that's when the game really starts to get extremely unforgiving.

When I got Ghost Armor and could fully upgrade it, I've mostly been rolling with that. The specific build I go for is largely the same as what I would always sport on Traveler's Attire, with a few minor changes. The build is optimized for terror. It's built around Perfect Parries/Dodges, and using Fire Damage. Basically, half of the enemies I fight are guaranteed to run away just from slaughtering a general, catching someone on fire, or executing a Perfect Parry.

And of course, DO THE HOT SPRINGS, and DO THE BAMBOO STRIKES. These are also insanely useful. While one sword strike is generally enough to kill you, you eventually do hit a point where your health pool is high enough that you can at least take two hits. Having high enough resolve allows you to power through that, and hot springs just further add to that health pool.


I really don't get people's anger towards playing on easier difficulties
