THIS Is The Problem With The Problem of Evil #atheism #atheist #christianity #god

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They don't realize the problem of evil is THEIR problem. When you gin up a perfectly loving god, but shite still happens, then you have yourself some explaining to do.


I don't have an invisible friend, and shit has been demonstrated to happen.


the thing that snaps me to this day is the when people say that god has a plan for everybody. makes me wanna drag those people to a childrens burn unit and make them repeat themselves to those poor blameless disfigured babies.


The problem of evil has no power over Zues. Even he doesn't think he is omnibenevolent.


Since there is things we consider evil in the world, all of which nature is neutral to, then I cannot see how someone like beard man can say that God is real. Especially, if the God is considered in someway "good".


So it's not so much the problem of evil. It's the problem of defining gods into existence and assigning them with arbitrary properties pulled from your ass. Evil (if we take a nominally secular interpretation of 'bad events and actions') exists in every world view and its a problem only insofar as it has undesirable effects.

If you take the liberty of defining God as having properties inconsistent with the existence of evil, it demonstrates that you are not getting those properties from any extant god. You see the problem is not the mere existence of evil, nor the mere existence of a god. It's actually the defining of god and the fabrication of properties for that God that are not consistent with reality.

Gods that are fabricated in whole cloth from the imagination, will tend to have these problems. The problem of evil is just an instance of a larger set, that stem from what we might call 'the problem of theistic fabrication'. Make shit up and get shit wrong.

My favourite is the problem of omniscience. How could anyone possibly know that any deity is omniscient? How could any mortal(s) devise a rigorous test to determine if some being were omniscient. It's not that I'm claiming there could never be any omniscient being, but that from a human perspective, we'd never be able to qualify another being as omniscient; not without having the perspective of omniscience ourselves.


Jesus loves you. He is coming back soon. Please ask him to be your Savoir. John 3:16 in the Holy Bible.


All because bad things happen in the world doesn't mean God or gods don't exist.



“God” is not who you think he is.

He was only one of the Elohim.. not even the highest one.. the highest one was “Elyon”
