Where Is Alien Life? : The Fermi Paradox | Cosmic Vistas

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In the summer of 1950 at Los Alamos, scientists, including Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi, discussed the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations during lunch, leading Fermi to pose the question: "Where is everybody?" highlighting the absence of evidence for alien life despite favorable conditions.

Cosmic Vistas takes you on a scientific journey through the solar system and the wonders of the wider universe. Could there be life on Mars? What's stopping us from farther space travel, and is the Fermi Paradox real? Cosmic Vistas has the answer.


With everything from breathtaking cosmic vistas to fascinating insights into the lives of astronauts, Cosmic has the perfect documentary for any space lover out there. Whether you're an expert astronomer or a novice at the beginning of your extra-terrestrial journey, we've got just the thing for you.

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Consider this:
If there's one advanced civilization in every 1 million star systems, and those are evenly spread throughout the galaxy, we'd be in a sphere of stars with a radius of 282 stars.
The closest star to our sun is 4 light years away.
That would mean the closest advanced civilization could be (282 X 2 X 4) 2, 256 light years away!
Still, that would make 100 - 400 thousand advanced civilizations in the milky way.

To have advanced planets just over 200 light years apart, the milky way could have 12, 732, 365 to 50, 929, 462 earths!


It was based on a cartoon in the New Yorker and it was a reference to new garbage cans put out by the city of New York they were disappearing because people were taking them and using them in their own backyards to put leaves in and burn them because they were an open webbed metal basket. They were kind of new the design and people would just stealing them and the cartoon suggested they were being stolen by men from Mars


Maybe I don't watch enough Fermi Paradox videos(I've known about the Fermi Paradox back in the 80s/I've gotten a little tired of the Fermi Paradox), but this is the first Fermi Paradox documentary that mentions the Rare Earth Hypothesis.

I grew up discovering Isaac Asimov's "Extraterrestrial Civilizations" book on my father's bookshelves. This back in the 80s, before the Rare Earth Hypothesis book came out. Even they don't reference Isaac Asimov's book. But, I've been saying the Rare Earth Hypothesis is the solution for the Fermi Paradox since the 1980s!


Alien life is all around us and has been for thousands of years - there are those that don’t want you to know that is really happening.


We get hung up and dont understand big numbers. We think of trillions as a huge number. We have all held a deck of cards but we have a hard time understanding that the last deck you shuffled, that order of cards is unique. It has never been arranged like that in all of time. In fact, there are more ways to arrange a deck of cards (just by suit and number) than there are atoms in the visable universe. If i shuffle a deck of cards - the odds of you having a deck shuffle the same as me... Well, lets say if i gave you a gain of sand and hide it on any beach in the world - id havw better chances picking up the right grain of salt than i would having a deck that is arranged the same as you. We arent good with understanding large numbers. Just bc someone says there's billions of suns in our galaxy and trillions of gallaxies - we assume thats a big number. Forget about the fact that most stars arent the star that will produce a stable enough plantet to yeild advance life. And thats just the tip of the iceburg.


Too many eFn commercials.
10 mins into the show and 5 eFn commercials.
Can't even get into the show without being eFn interrupted.
FU YouTube.
