12 Essential Linux Tools You Need To Learn About

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In this video, you'll learn about:

00:00 - Intro
00:10 - Sed: Efficiently edit and transform text streams.
02:25 - Awk: Scan and process patterns in text files.
05:07 - Grep: Search and filter text with precision.
07:13 - Cut: Extract specific sections from file lines.
08:00 - Sort: Organize text lines quickly and easily.
09:38 - Uniq: Identify and manage duplicate lines.
10:45 - Tr: Translate or delete characters in text.
12:10 - Wc: Count lines, words, and characters.
13:22 - Head & Tail: View the beginning and end of files.
14:29 - Diff & Patch: Compare files line by line and Apply changes to files efficiently.

All these tools should come pre-installed on most Unix-based systems. (MacOS, Linux..)


Рекомендации по теме

Hi, which tool do you use to draw arrows etc. ? btw. thanks for all the videos, I think that I watched almost all of them and learned a lot from you.


which theme and conf are you using for such elegant UI ?


Thank you for the video) But I saw about ~20 videos like that, and I still can`t remember even simple arguments for these commands. Do you really use it in your daily tasks?) Because I see even on the video you just paste it into the terminal prepared command) But you know, when you need to sort something inside file, you should spend a bit of time to generate these commands, so maybe just open Vim for a second and do :s/word/newword/gc even with confirmation. I can truly say, that I will never remember "was -F', ' '{sum +=$2}; count =+1} END "
