Syndrome of World-Improvers | Oswald Spengler & Socialism
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This is a video about Spengler's conception of socialism
As Spengler points out - there are two dominating schools of thought when it comes to analyzing history. One is the materialist viewpoint (which Spengler compares to the outlook of Sancho Panza) and Idealist (Don Quixote style conservatism). None of them have the necessary tools to analyze culture inwardly, that is from a morphological perspective, where instead of concentrating on superficial similarities, they should look at what inwardly binds seemingly disparate historical events. Also, I've noticed an increase in anti-western sentiment, which I intend to address in the coming videos. As most of the time, people who are maliciously motivated against the west and have a grudge against it, do not seem to have well-formed opinions regarding their hatred.
In this video, I present Spengler's view of what he understands to be western socialism. Surely, Spengler's analysis deserves to be criticized in a number of aspects, which I will present after I begin doing a series about Spengler's philosophy.
#philosophy #socialism #spengler
Oswald. Spengler.The Decline of the West: Form and Actuality. ARKTOS MEDIA Limited, series: Form & actuality, ISBN:9781912975617, 2021.
Oswald. Spengler. Prussianism and Socialism. Repressed Publishing LLC, ISBN: 9781462292448, 2012.
Dawkins Richard. 2006. The God Delusion. Boston MA: Houghton Mifflin.