Altered States of Choice Trance for Beyond the Mind Ecstatic at Hypnothoughts Live
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SORRY, WE ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND HYPNOTHOUGHTS LIVE 2014 THIS YEAR! We strongly encourage folks to attend the conference as it's an AMAZING EXPERIENCE but unfortunately, we will NOT be able to attend and so we will not offering our Beyond the Mind Ecstatic seminar after all. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may cause those who had been looking forward to our appearance at the conference and the after-conference program.
ALTERED STATES OF CHOICE . . . also known as the DRUG OF CHOICE or HYPNODRUNK trance process . . . is an example of an ecstatic mind technique that can be helpful and fun.
Join us this Summer in Las Vegas at HYPNOTHOUGHTS LIVE 2014 (18-20 July 2014) for an awesome conference that's bigger and better than ever and stick around a couple more days for an absolutely amazing eXperience in the BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC seminar in HypnoTantric Erotic Hypnosis (21-22 July 2014).
Here's a brief introduction to our upcoming hypnotantric erotic hypnosis seminar BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC and how you can open your mind to absolute pleasure and beyond . . . two amazing days at HypnoThoughts Live in July in Las Vegas!
Register for HypnoThoughts Live - the conference - and to really turbocharge your experience you will want to also register for this very special post-conference seminar, BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC: HYPNOTANTRIC EROTIC HYPNOSIS.
Howdy! I am BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS . . . let me be your guide through the world of Hypnosis and the Mind Ecstatic with eXperiential imagination games, suggestion, psychologically induced psychedelic and ecstatic eXperiences and so very much more.
ALTERED STATES OF CHOICE . . . also known as the DRUG OF CHOICE or HYPNODRUNK trance process . . . is an example of an ecstatic mind technique that can be helpful and fun.
Join us this Summer in Las Vegas at HYPNOTHOUGHTS LIVE 2014 (18-20 July 2014) for an awesome conference that's bigger and better than ever and stick around a couple more days for an absolutely amazing eXperience in the BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC seminar in HypnoTantric Erotic Hypnosis (21-22 July 2014).
Here's a brief introduction to our upcoming hypnotantric erotic hypnosis seminar BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC and how you can open your mind to absolute pleasure and beyond . . . two amazing days at HypnoThoughts Live in July in Las Vegas!
Register for HypnoThoughts Live - the conference - and to really turbocharge your experience you will want to also register for this very special post-conference seminar, BEYOND THE MIND ECSTATIC: HYPNOTANTRIC EROTIC HYPNOSIS.
Howdy! I am BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS . . . let me be your guide through the world of Hypnosis and the Mind Ecstatic with eXperiential imagination games, suggestion, psychologically induced psychedelic and ecstatic eXperiences and so very much more.