Wave Model of an Electron

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135 - Wave Model of an Electron
The wave model of the electron can be used to explain the Bohr model. Electrons are found in certain orbits because they interfere with themselves and create standing waves. When the wavelengths don’t match up with a whole integer they will create destructive interference. When electrons fall to a lower orbit they emit a photon. They can move to a higher orbit by absorbing an identical photon.
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Music Attribution
Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly
All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing:
The wave model of the electron can be used to explain the Bohr model. Electrons are found in certain orbits because they interfere with themselves and create standing waves. When the wavelengths don’t match up with a whole integer they will create destructive interference. When electrons fall to a lower orbit they emit a photon. They can move to a higher orbit by absorbing an identical photon.
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Music Attribution
Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly
All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing:
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