Coronavirus outbreak: Canada's House of Commons passes COVID-19 wage subsidy bill | FULL

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke in the House of Commons on Saturday as the government passed a wage subsidy bill to help mitigate the economic impact of the novel coronavirus.

The Trudeau government struck the deal with opposition parties to swiftly approve a massive $73-billion wage subsidy program aimed at helping businesses and workers survive the economic ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Passage of legislation needed to implement the program was assured Saturday after Conservatives dropped their attempt to tie the bill to the longer-term question of how Parliament should function in the midst of a national health crisis.

Under the bill, the federal government will pay companies 75 per cent of the first $58,700 normally earned by employees, up to $847 per week for up to 12 weeks. The subsidy is retroactive to March 15 and will be available to companies that lost 15 per cent of their revenue in March or 30 per cent in April or May.

Trudeau called the wage subsidy bill the largest economic measures Canada has seen since the Second World War.

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It's amazing how they don't actually answer any of the questions they're being asked.


Doctors and nurses are saving life at the risk of being infected. They are supposed to be paid double in the epidemic.


Why government made our life so uneasy on emergency fund distribution.
Would not it be easier and more fair to give same amount of money to each tax payer, avoiding the loophole of corruption.


Idiocy on wheels... not just Canada, but the entire world...


We need to vote this government out of office.


COVID-19 has caused most college students to lose their job placement opportunities this summer for four months. The student apartments rented are very small. In such a confined space for up to four months, it is not only possible to be infected, but it will also destroy the mental state. They should return to their families to be with their loved ones. The remaining lease term binds them like shackles! Can the government help them?


I wish people would stop saying minority issues, when the issue is common to all poor people. Stop turning everything into a race issue. It's a human issue. All of these separations only serve to force identity politics. If we focus on all people, it will guarantee equality; people treated as people. You can't say you want equality, and then pick and choose based on race and gender, that is creating a bigger problem, not rectifying an old one.


And who would watch all 6 hours of pointless depressing trash?


The Canadian people should speak out and tell the government we do not want any more Chinese Goods in our country something has to be done to stop the CCP China if the world does not buy anymore Chinese Goods we can have this country go bankrupt


Why can’t a liberal answer a question. It’s insane


When are we going to sue China for this .


Justin, I pray for you and your family's wellbeing, peace and love . People seem to forget your human :) Tank you for all you do. Proud To be Canadian. Great job!!! Stay strong.


I would like to know where 73 billion dollars came from I didn't know we had that much money in Canada if they had that kind of money why they didn't pay off our debt it seems like a billion dollars is easy to come by


Elizabeth May speaks naturally to Canadians, I do appreciate so much.❤️🇨🇦


Turdy is now comparing himself to war veterans. Soon he will give himself a medal.


La Presse announced today the first wave of Mexican and Guatemalan workers coming into Canada to do farm work. 3 million people applies for financial aid, out of work and we're bringing in Mexicans and Guatemalans to take Canadian jobs, rise up

I own a business that is considered essential in both Ontario and Quebec. The QPP won't even let me cross the border into Ontario to go work in my own business that's considered essential. There is something sinister that's really going on in the background if we don't put an end to this we're going to pay the price.


Okay but seriously, the first verified case in Canada was January took them over 40 days to take any action. This could have been prevented if our government had acted in a proactive, timely manner, instead of merely throwing money at the problem after the fact. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


When someone has died the family is not allowed to go see that person and the funeral is not done. That really hurts


To think people voted for this guy again. Insanity.


What about essential business owners who have cut hours, while remaining open? Will the money given to the owner be given to the employees?
