[ Kube 43.2 ] Getting started with KinD | Local multi-node k8s cluster in Docker containers

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In this video, I will show you how to set up and use KinD tool to provision and run a local kubernetes cluster using Docker containers. We will also explore multi-node setup, dynamic volume provisioning using local path provisioner and load balancing using MetalLB
😺 Github:
📺 [ Kube 33.1 ] How to deploy & use MetalLB in bare metal Kubernetes
📺 Learn Kubernetes Playlist:
00:00 introduction
02:18 getting kind setup
04:01 exploring kind
09:36 multiple kind clusters
13:55 multi-node kind cluster
19:52 running a specific k8s version
22:28 dynamic volume provisioning
26:07 metallb load balancing
Hope you enjoyed this video. Please share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. For any questions/issues/feedback, please leave me a comment and I will be happy to help.
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💗 If you wish to support me:
😺 Github:
📺 [ Kube 33.1 ] How to deploy & use MetalLB in bare metal Kubernetes
📺 Learn Kubernetes Playlist:
00:00 introduction
02:18 getting kind setup
04:01 exploring kind
09:36 multiple kind clusters
13:55 multi-node kind cluster
19:52 running a specific k8s version
22:28 dynamic volume provisioning
26:07 metallb load balancing
Hope you enjoyed this video. Please share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. For any questions/issues/feedback, please leave me a comment and I will be happy to help.
👏 Thanks for watching.
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[ Kube 43.2 ] Getting started with KinD | Local multi-node k8s cluster in Docker containers
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[ Kube 43.1 ] Deploying & Using MetalLB in KinD Kubernetes Cluster
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