How to stream data from MySQL to Apache Kafka® | Kafka Tutorial
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From this video you will learn how to stream changes from #mysql database to #apachekafka using #debezium connector!
💥 Subscribe for more videos about #Kafka, #KafkaStreams and #streamprocessing
== Prerequisites
docker version
docker-compose -v
Viktor Gamov is a Developer Advocate at Confluent, the company that makes a streaming platform based on #ApacheKafka.
== timecodes / chapters
0:00 - Intro
1:44 - explanation of the use case
2:39 - installing MySQL and enable Change Data Capture (CDC)
6:59 - adding Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, and configuring Debezium connector
12:53 - validating that data flows through from MySQL to Kafka
13:44 - materialize data from Kafka using ksqlDB
19:32 - it's a wrap!
💥 Subscribe for more videos about #Kafka, #KafkaStreams and #streamprocessing
== Prerequisites
docker version
docker-compose -v
Viktor Gamov is a Developer Advocate at Confluent, the company that makes a streaming platform based on #ApacheKafka.
== timecodes / chapters
0:00 - Intro
1:44 - explanation of the use case
2:39 - installing MySQL and enable Change Data Capture (CDC)
6:59 - adding Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, and configuring Debezium connector
12:53 - validating that data flows through from MySQL to Kafka
13:44 - materialize data from Kafka using ksqlDB
19:32 - it's a wrap!
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